Page 9 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 9

                                                                     *>)1.10 Complete the sentences. Then
                                                                    listen and check.
                  Grammar:  Possessive adjectives
                                                                     1  Dave is good at music. That's his guitar.
                  • possessive's
                                                                    2  Is this___________ pen? Or is it Kate's pen?
                  Vocabulary:  Family                               3  We love football.___________ favourite
                                                           J          team  is Arsenal.
                                                                    4  This skateboard is Marta's.  It's a present
    1  Complete the table with the names of family members in the     from ___________ parents.
       box. What other names of family members do you  remember?    5  ___________ brothers' names are Simon
                                                                      and Rob. They are fourteen and eighteen
        brother  cousin  daughter  father  grandfather  wife  uncle   years old,  b ut___________ birthday is on
                                                                      the same day!
                   $                           C f                  6  ___________ favourite pop group is
                                                                       London Grammar. What's___________
       mother/mum                  1    father   /dad
                                                                      favourite group?
       2                           son
       sister                      3                             5  Read REMEMBER THIS.  Find more examples
       4                           husband                           of the possessive's in the text in Exercise 2.
                                                                  REMEMBER THIS
       grandmother                 6
       7                           cousin                         Possessive  's singular
                                                                  My mum's sister is Louise.
                                                                  My dad's sisters aren't in the photo.
    2  Read the text and complete Lara's family tree with the correct
                                                                  Charles's dog is Rover.
                                                                  Possessive's plural
                                                                  Our parents' names are Elaine and Paul.
                                                                  My grandparents' car is blue.
                                                                  My mother's English.   's = is





                                                                  My mother's car is old.  's = possessive *1
                                                                  Grammar page 125
                                                                  6  Choose the correct option.
                       Hi, I’m Lara and this is my family tree. My
                                                                     1  This is Pedro /(£edrc/$)house.  Pedro /
                       sister’s name is Suzanne. She’s twenty years
                                                                       Pedro's from Spain.  Pedro / Pedro's mum  is
                       old. My brother’s name is Damien, he’s
                                                                       English and  he / his dad is Spanish.  He's /
                       fourteen. Our parents’ names are Elaine and
                                                                       His from  Madrid.
                       Paul. My grandfather’s name is Michael and
                                                                     2  My friends / friends' / friend's names are
                  my grandmother is Sarah. My mum’s sister is Louise   Lucy and Kevin.  They / Their favourite
                  and her husband is Alex. Their children are my       sports are football and tennis.  Kevin /
                  cousins, Fiona and Charles. We’re a great family!    Kevin's favourite sport is football and  Lucy /
                                                                       Lucy's favourite sport is tennis.  She / Her
                                                                       favourite tennis star is Roger Federer.  My
    3  Complete REMEMBER THIS with the pronouns in  blue in the
                                                                       friends / friends' / friend's are crazy about
       text. Then complete the sentences in the cartoon.
                                                                     3  Lucy's / Lucys' father's from  Ireland.  Her /
                                                                       His mother's Brazilian. She's / She from
                                                                       Curitiba.  His / Her name's Adriana.
                                                                       Adriana's /  Adriana forty years old.  She's /
                                                                       She my Maths teacher.
                                                                  7  SPEAKING  Ask and answer the questions
                                                                     in  pairs.
                                                                     1  What is your mum's name?
                                                                     2  What colour is your dad's car?
                                                                     3  What is your best friend's favourite band?
                                                                     4  What are your friends' favourite sports?
                                                                     5  Who are your cousins' favourite singers?
                                                                     6  What are your grandparents' names? What
                                                                       are their favourite colours?
     Grammar page  125
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