Page 6 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 6

Read  REMEMBER THIS.  Find  more examples in
                                                                 Exercise 4.
                        Grammar:  Imperatives
                        Vocabulary: The alphabet              REMEMBER THIS
                        • classroom  language
                                                              You  use the imperative to give instructions.
                                                              /  Use a dictionary.   X Don't use a dictionary.

        1   y jU Q   Listen and repeat the alphabet.          Grammar page  124
           A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
                                                              6  Make sentences with the correct form of the
        2  Q CD1IE1  Complete the letters for the sounds in the   imperative.
           table. Then  listen,  check and repeat.
                                                                 1  /  work in groups of three / X speak your language
             /ei/   Ihl    Id    /ai/   lull  /au/   /a:/        2  X use a pen / /  use a pencil
                                                                 3  /  write in your notebooks / X write in the book
             A, H  B, C    F, L   I     Q      O      R          4  X talk / /  read the text
                                                                 5  /  repeat the words / X repeat the sentences
        3  LDIKI  Listen and choose the word you  hear. Then

                                                                 1 Work in groups of three.
           listen again and  repeat.
           1  a  pin   b  pen      4  a  poster   b  pasta    7   Read  REMEMBER THIS.
           2  a  book   b  back    5  a  bin    b  pin
           3  a  disc   b  desk                               REMEMBER THIS
                                                                                                   No, let's match
        4  Look at the classroom  language poster. Translate the   You use let's to make suggestions.  the verbs with
           verbs in  red.                                                                          the photos first.
                                                             Let's read
       I n   t h e   c l a s s r o o m                       the text.



                                                              Grammar page  124

                                                              8  Complete the dialogues with  let's and the verbs in
        Think of a sport.
                                                                 the box.
        Tell the group your idea.   the correct answers.
        Speak English.             Don't use a dictionary.        ask  do  finish   listen   read   use
                                                                 1  A:  I don't know this word.  Let's ask the teacher.
           WHY?     BECAUSE...
                                                                   B:  No,           a dictionary.
                       r                                         2  A :___       Exercise 2 now.

                                                                   B:  No,           Exercise 1 first!
                                                                 3  A :___       the dialogue.
                                                                   B:           . to the dialogue before we read it. OK?

                                                                 SPEAKING  Take turns to make suggestions.
                                                                 A:  Let's go to the cinema today.
        Work in pairs. Ask and                                   B:  Let's ...
        answer the questions.      and complete the table.

        Tick (/) / Underline the
        answers.                                              correct order. Then write   opposite meanings. Then
                                                              the answers.               listen, check and repeat.
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