Page 4 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 4

VOCABULARY                 GRAMMAR             LISTENING
        1                              pp.  12-13  have, go and play,   p.  14        p.  15  People's typical weekends
        Family and friends             collocations; prepositions   Present Simple    Vocabulary:  Nouns and verbs;
                                       Quiz:  Free time questionnaire                 prepositions and nouns
                                       p.  21  Word list                              Exam  Focus:  Multiple choice
        BBCfc                                                                         Pronunciation  Focus:
        p.  108 Little Folk                                                           The letter c

        2                              pp. 24-25  Food containers;   p.  26           p.  27 Food and recipes
        Food                           food products; phrases related  Countable and   Vocabulary: Cooking verbs
                                       to food                    uncountable nouns   Exam  Focus:  Note completion
                                       Listening: A dialogue about                    Pronunciation  Focus: /i:/ and /u
                                                                  GRAMMAR ANIMATION d,
        BBC (t,                        food shopping
                                                                  f f K  l |  FOCUS VLOG <b
        p.  110 What's for lunch?      p.  33 Word  list
        3                              pp.  36-37 Jobs;  work and job;  p.  38        p. 39 Peace Corps Volunteers
        Work                           prepositions               Present Continuous  Vocabulary:  learn and teach
                                       Listening:  Descriptions of jobs               Exam Focus: True/False
                                                                  GRAMMAR ANIMATION <b
                                       p. 45 Word list                                Pronunciation  Focus: Silent
        BBC (►<
        p.  112 Growing furniture
        4                              pp. 48-49 Appearance;      p.  50              p. 51  The most important events
        People                         adjective order; personality   Comparative and   in people's lives
                                       Reading:  Me and Buddy     superlative adjectives  Vocabulary:  Life events
                                       p.  57 Word list                               Exam  Focus:  Multiple choice
                                                                  GRAMMAR ANIMATION &
        BBC (t*                                                                       Pronunciation  Focus:  Numbers
        p.  114 Super siblings

        5                              pp. 60-61  Types of school; at   p. 62         p.  63 Different parts of a school
        Education                      school; exams              must/mustn't, should/  Vocabulary:  Places at school;
                                       Reading: Education in  Britain   shouldn't     nouns and verbs
        BBC&                           p.  69 Word  list
                                                                  GRAMMAR ANIMATION <&  Exam Focus:  Note completion
        p.  116 The Chinese school                                                    Pronunciation Focus: /d/ and 70/
        6                              pp. 72-73 Sports; go,  do and   p. 74          p. 75  Expressing an opinion
        Health and sport               play; sportspeople         Past Simple        Vocabulary:  Likes and dislikes
                                       Listening: Summer camps for                    Exam  Focus:  Multiple choice
        BBC (b                                                                        Pronunciation  Focus:
        p.  118  Bouldering            p.  81  Word  list                            The letter a

        7                              pp.  84-85  Holidays and   p.  86              p.  87 Travel conversations
        Travel                         transport; book, make and   Present Perfect with   Vocabulary: Travel
                                       visit; accommodation       ever/ never         Exam Focus: Multiple choice
                                       Quiz:  How do you spend your                   Pronunciation Focus:
                                                                  GRAMMAR ANIMATION (►  ,
        BBCfc                          holidays?                                     The letter o
                                                                  fla M lF O C U S  VLOG fc
        p. 120 A special breakfast     p.  93 Word  list
        8                              pp.  96-97 Geography;      p.  98              p.  99 The weather
        Nature                         animals; collocations      Future with will   Vocabulary: The weather;
                                       Quiz:  Nature quiz                            word-building
                                                                  GRAMMAR ANIMATION <► ,
                                       p.  105 Word list                              Exam Focus:  Matching
        BBCfe                                                                         Pronunciation  Focus: Weather
        p.  122 Scottish  Highlands                                                   nouns and adjectives

       pp.  108-123 Video worksheets   pp.  124-135 Grammar reference and practice   pp.  136-138 Prepositions
       WORD STORE BOOKLET  Word Stores 0-8, Word  practice
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