Page 5 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 5

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   P-7                       p.  8               p.  9                p.  10              p.  11
   Grammar:  Possessive      Grammar: can/can't  Grammar: Prepositions;  Grammar:  Have got  Vocabulary:  Days of
   adjectives; possessive's   Vocabulary: Common  there is/there are  Vocabulary: Gadgets  the week; months
   Vocabulary:  Family       verbs               Vocabulary:  Rooms                       and seasons; times;
                                                 and furniture                            ordinal numbers

   READING                   GRAMMAR             SPEAKING             WRITING              FOCUS  REVIEW
   pp. 16-17 A day in the life   p.  18          p.  19               p.  20              pp. 22-23
   of my family              Present Simple: Yes/No  Expressing preferences Writing  Focus:
   Vocabulary:  Phrasal verbs   and Wh- questions                     An informal email
   and verb collocations; daily
                             GRAMMAR ANIMATION &
                             n.  10 9  iann.-M M aa
   Exam Focus: Multiple choice
   pp. 28-29 Food markets    p.  30              p.  31               p.  32              pp. 34-35
   Vocabulary:               Articles            Ordering food        Writing  Focus:
   Collocations; food adjectives                                      An email of invitation
                             GRAMMAR ANIMATION (► ,  ROLE-PLAY <b
   Exam Focus:  Multiple

   pp. 40-41  Work or hobby?  p. 42              p. 43                p.  44              pp. 46-47
   Vocabulary: Work;         Present Simple and   Describing a photo  Writing  Focus:
   collocations              Present Continuous                       An email of request
   Exam Focus:  Multiple
                             GRAMMAR ANIMATION <b
                             p.  113|  FOCUS VLOG (b
   pp. 52-53 What does your   p.  54             p.  55               p.  56              pp. 58-59
   favourite music say about you?  have to/don't have to  Going to the   Writing  Focus:
   Vocabulary: Clothes;                          hairdresser's        A personal  profile on
                             GRAMMAR ANIMATION <b
   adjectives; personality                       Vocabulary:  Hair    a blog
                             p.  115|  FOCUS VLOG <b
   Exam Focus: Open-ended
   pp. 64-65 To the stars!   p. 66               p.  67               p.  68              pp. 70-71
   Vocabulary:  Phrasal verbs;   Past Simple: was/were,  Asking for and giving   Writing  Focus:
   collocations              could               information          A personal email
   Exam Focus: True/False
                             GRAMMAR ANIMATION (b  ROLE-PLAY <b
                             p.  117| FOCUS VLOG <b 1

   pp. 76-77 The lucky accident  p. 78           p.  79               p.  80              pp.  82-83
   Vocabulary:  Fitness;     Past Simple negatives   Asking for and giving   Writing  Focus:
   collocations              and questions       advice               A description of an
   Exam Focus: Note completion                                        event
                             GRAMMAR ANIMATION <b
                             P. ii9 E H E E m 3
   pp. 88-89 The greatest cities  p.  90         p. 91                p.  92              pp. 94-95
   in the world?             Present perfect + just/  Asking for and giving   Writing  Focus:
   Vocabulary: Adjectives;   yet/already         directions           An email of enquiry
                             GRAMMAR ANIMATION <b  ROLE-PLAY <b
   Exam Focus:  Multiple choice

   pp.  100-101  Astonishing   p.  102           pp.  103             p.  104             pp.  106-107
   animals                   be going to         Agreeing and         Vocabulary:
   Vocabulary: The natural                       disagreeing          Environment protection
                             GRAMMAR ANIMATION (b
   world; word families                                               Writing  Focus:
                             p.  123|  FOCUS VLOG <b  ROLE-PLAY (b
   Exam Focus: Multiple choice                                        Expressing an opinion,
                                                                      presenting arguments
      p. 139 Phrasal verbs, days and months  p.  140 Pronouns and numerals  p.  141  Word building  p.  142 Irregular verbs

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