Page 10 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 10

                                                            5  Do the questionnaire. Answer  Yes, / can or No, I can't.

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       1   In pairs,  match the verbs in the box with the photos
          in the questionnaire in  Exercise 5.              ■ l  j   1  1  1    Wmi  ■ ■ ■   n r ,
           cook  dance  paint  rollerblade  sing                                              Can you   sinq   ?
           speak  swim

                 Listen. Tick what Jon and  Mia can do and
          cross what they can't do.

                 rollerblade  speak a foreign   sing  dance
           Jon       V

       3  Complete the sentences with  can or can't.
          Jon 1can rollerblade.  He 2___________ speak a foreign
          language.  He 3___________ sing.  He 4___________
          dance. Jon's sister,  Mia,5___________ rollerblade too.
          She 6___________ speak a foreign  language. She
         7___________ sing. She 8___________ dance.

      4  Read  REMEMBER THIS and complete the cartoon.
                                                                                          j j  Can you_______
      r                                                                                   w   foreign language?
       You use  can to talk about abilities.
       +  I/You/He/She/We/They can sing.

       -  I/You/He/She/We/They can't sing.
          Can you sing?
          Yes,  I  can./No,  I can't.

                                                            6  SPEAKING  In  pairs, ask and answer the questions
                                                               in the questionnaire. Then tell the class about your
                                                               Teresa can dance, but she can't paint.  She ...

                                                            7  Write five questions.  Use the ideas in the box or your
                                                               own ideas.

                                                                dance the tango  draw comics  play Halo
                                                                run ten kilometres  ski  speak three languages
                                                               swim a kilometre  use the Internet

                                                               Can you run ten kilometres?

                                                            8  SPEAKING  In  pairs, ask and answer your questions.
                                                               Then tell the class about your partner.
                                                               A:  Can you run ten kilometres?
      Grammar page  125                                        B:  Yes, I can./No,  I can't.  Can you ...?
                                                               A:  Maria can run ten kilometres.  She ...
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