Page 7 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 7

I'M  FROM           • • •

                    Grammar:  to be • subject pronouns
                    Vocabulary:  Numbers • countries and  nationalities  age

                                                                    ____ )
   Caledonia                          School of English,  Edinburgh

        About Us                   Our Courses
   We’re students at the Caledonia School of English.

                          Wolfgang is 21.                                Mei is Chinese.
                          He’s German. He's                              She’s 23. She’s
                          from Hamburg.                                  from Beijing.

                                                                                               Andrew isn’t a
                                                                                               student. He’s a
  I’m Andrea. I’m 19                           Boris and Daria are
  years old. I’m Spanish                       Russian. They’re from                           teacher. He’s Scottish,
  I'm from Valencia.                           St. Petersburg.                                 He’s 34 years old.

      1   Write the numbers.                                                  6  SPEAKING  Ask and answer
         1  nineteen -   19_        3  twenty-three -                            the questions in  pairs.  Use the
         2  twenty-one-___________  4  thirty-four-__                            nationalities in the  box.

      2   *>)1.5 Go to page 140.  Listen and  repeat the cardinal  numbers.       American   Brazilian  German  j
                                                                                  Swiss  Portuguese  Russian
      3  Read the website.  Match the people in the photos with the countries.    CnonicJa
                                                                                  •J M ci   tan
         1  Spain Q   2  Scotland O   3  Germany Q   4  Russia Q   5  China □
                                                                                 A:  What nationality is Penelope
      W ORD  STORE  0.2     Countries and  nationalities                            Cruz?
                                                                                 B:  She's Spanish.
      4        Complete WORD STORE 0.2 with the  names of nationalities. Then
         listen, check and  repeat.                                              1  Penelope Cruz
                                                                                 2  Paulo Coelho
      5  Complete REMEMBER THIS with the short forms. Use the website to help you.  3  Cristiano  Ronaldo
                                                                                 4  Angela Merkel
      r REMEMBER THIS                                                            5  Garry Kasparov
                                                                           I     6  Roger Federer
       to be                                                                     7  Dakota and Elle Fanning
          I am = 1                      We are = 5
                                                                              7  SPEAKING  Read  REMEMBER
          You are = 2   You're          You are = You're
       +  He is = 3                     Thev are = They're                       THIS. Then ask and answer the
                                                                                 questions in pairs.
          She is = 4
          It is =  It's
                                                                               REMEMBER THIS
          I am not =  I'm not           We are not = We're not = We aren't
          You are not = You're not = You aren't  You are not = You're not = You aren't   You can say:  I'm nineteen years old.
       -  He is not = He's not = He isn't   They are not = They're not = They aren't   or I'm nineteen.
          She is not = She's not = She isn't
          It is not =  It's not =  It isn't                                      1  How old are you?
                                                                                 2  How old is your brother/sister?
          Am  I?                        Yes,  I am./No, I'm not.
                                                                                 3  How old is your best friend?
          6           VOu?              Yes, you are./No, you aren't.
       ?  Is he/she/it?                 Yes, he/she/it is./No, he/she/it isn't.   4  How old are your parents?
          Are we/you/they' ?            Yes, we/you/they are./                 Grammar page 124
                                        No, we/you/they aren't.
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12