Page 9 - Passages 3rd Edition (demo)
P. 9
• Finding out what personality traits you have in common • Two people describe how they have • Identifying the topic • "From Circle of
with your classmates changed sentence in a Friends to Modern
• Comparing personal profiles • Two people compare similarities and paragraph Tribe": A group of
• Talking about how you have changed or how you would differences between their families • Writing a paragraph friends can function
like to change • A young man describes his recent family about your most as a family
• Comparing families reunion positive or negative
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• Talking about past mistakes • A man talks about a bad decision • Brainstorming topic • "Amnesia Spoils
• Comparing reactions to a news story he made sentences and Newlyweds' Bliss":
• Discussing what might have caused three mysterious events • Three people talk about how they dealt supporting ideas A man loses his
with their problems • Writing a paragraph memory after his
• Making guesses about unusual questions wedding
• Two people talk about everyday with dos and don'ts
• Comparing opinions about a real-life unexplained event
• Explaining why you'd like to visit a particular city • A TV show introduces two exciting cities • Organizing ideas with • "Rivals with a Lot in
• Choosing the right city for a particular purpose • Two foreign students explain what they a mind map Common": The rivalry
between two major
• Deciding which city is best to live in like about their host city • Writing a paragraph Australian cities
• Describing your hometown • Two Sydney residents talk about the city about a place you
• Discussing quality-of-life issues
• Discussing personal energy levels • Three people describe methods they use • Choosing the best • "To Sleep or
• Talking about how to deal with stress to lower stress topic sentence Not to Sleep?":
• Giving advice on sleep and energy levels • Two people describe their dreams and • Writing a paragraph People are sleeping
try to interpret them giving advice on fewer hours than
• Talking about sleeping habits
good habits ever before
• Interpreting dreams
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• Discussing conversational styles • People make small talk at parties • Making an outline • "Cell Phone
• Discussing awkward social situations • Two people tell some interesting news • Writing about a Personality Types":
• Determining appropriate topics for small talk cultural rule What kind of cell
phone user are you?
• Comparing who you confide in
• Recounting an interesting conversation
• Determining if a story is true or false • A radio news broadcast • Putting events in • "It Happened to
• Presenting a recent news story • Two people describe complicated chronological order Me!": Two comical
• Discussing how you follow the news experiences • Writing a narrative personal anecdotes
• Telling stories about uncomfortable situations • An actor describes some paragraph
embarrassing moments