Page 11 - Passages 3rd Edition (demo)
P. 11

SPEAKING                        LISTENING               WRITING

          •  Talking about Internet trends            •  Three people talk about   •  Writing a product or   •  "Can you spare a dime
          •  Debating whether social networking is a positive or   social networking   service review   for my Gucci bills?": A
            negative influence                        •  A news report describes                   woman uses the Internet
          •  Giving opinions on modern information technology   health problems caused by          to get money to pay off a
                                                       technology                                  frivolous debt
          •  Discussing potential future technologies

          •  Discussing jobs that require creativity   •  Three employees explain   •  Choosing when to begin a   •  "The Man Who Taught
          •  Taking a creativity quiz                  how their jobs are creative   new paragraph   the World to Sing": A
          •  Suggesting new uses for everyday items   •  Two descriptions of   •  Writing a composition about   profile of the man who
                                                       important business and   a creative or unique person   invented karaoke
          •  Talking about creative thinking habits
                                                       product ideas
          •  Choosing the inventions that have had the greatest impact
            on modern life
          •  Explaining why new products are invented

          •  Talking about what is typical            •  Three people discuss how   •  Identifying supporting   •  "Painting and Problem
          •  Discussing what makes you typical or not   they're unique or typical   statements      Solving: Four Lessons":
          •  Discussing the effect of major life changes   •  Three people describe how   •  Writing a paragraph with   How problem solving and
                                                        they solved a problem   supporting statements   the dynamics of painting
          •  Giving advice in a role play                                                           are alike
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          •  Discussing how to handle irritating situations   •  Two people describe   •  Writing a message of   •  "Dave Carroll Airs a
          •  Comparing styles of complaining            irritating situations   complaint           Complaint": A musician
          •  Role-playing complaints                  •  A man uses an automated                    posts music videos to
                                                        phone menu                                  complain about an airline
          •  Describing how difficult situations make you feel
          •  Stating consumer complaints
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          •  Discussing the results of a survey on ethical behavior   •  Two people describe being   •  Writing a thesis statement   •  "New York Honors a
          •  Comparing what you would do about different ethical dilemmas   confronted by an ethical   •  Writing a four-paragraph   Hero": How a
                                                        dilemma                                     construction worker
          •  Discussing your experiences with unreliable people or services   composition about a happy
                                                      •  Three people talk about   memory or a regret   became a hero
          •  Talking about values that are important to you
                                                        the values that are most
          •  Explaining what you'd choose if you were given three wishes
                                                        important to them

          •  Describing the benefits and challenges of living abroad   •  Three people talk about   •  Writing conclusions   •  "Get Yourself Lost": The
          •  Comparing customs between Canada and your country   their experiences living   •  Writing a composition about   best way to experience a
          •  Sharing bad travel experiences             abroad                living or traveling abroad   foreign destination
                                                      •  Two people describe travel
          •  Planning a trip with your group

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