Page 7 - Passages 3rd Edition (demo)
P. 7
Passages Third Edition is a two-level course
that will open the door to communicating with
greater fluency and proficiency, with:
�4 B Ltsten aga.n \'hlicn c,erson ha,: tneseop-:wo,'15,? Cheese Mana, Ian. or bctn.
Maria Ian Bt>th • more sophisticated real-world grammar
1 n's :o get around Syt1!"ley _J D 0 LISTENING
2. Tnt!I beache:. are graat. D and vocabulary,
J. The rcn� ar• expens1\.'I!. tl activities sharpen
4 It s a fun place 10 hve. ::: - --: CT essential listening • thought-provoking discussions and
lhO restouronts ore all expensive
Lile is belier 11"1 a Yf13UC!r town comr:>rehension skills. academic writing activities,
DISCUSSION • more challenging listening and reading
• Quality of life comprehension topics.
A Rn1v !MMe qua!ny-oH!e issues 1ts. vet")' �rtam {2;, 1rnpor.ant (1).
orr.ot 1mpo!ant\0J Canyouaddonemore:othe!, •�?---------------�-----------------�
Quality of Life
e.t=omg: WRITING
f,n:1-d Brainstorming
... ,...,
BnlnstDlng means making a Nrt al JdeH about a topJc. Then you can use this READING
list ta come up with a lopk sentence 1nd Ideas 10 support� 1·
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_ passages drawn frolTI .•
A Group work Bra,nst0rm a, mar,y ,oea, as you can lo add to tnedos and don'ts
a Pair wortl: \Vl'l tnrH t$SUU are cie most :mpo for , .. ,rog on a OUC-J4!t authentic sources :-.
eonsiaev.f\efetol:ve">EJI: 3'1'1v.� promote critical thinki�g
,,��,. -rbOftl': "'l .. ;j,-1,:,,,.�g�t��· .. , Living on a Tight; B
lf"11e11�, ''"��'f•ra tiut "�J r,•.u 5:Yr' -:,1,,.--r: -'-"' w,1 READING and analysis.
·tl",ow !itfYI f°" ,,,,a,, IL.n 13' m(. I guns k>'11Cffl�IT. U Cyber-begglng 1 -
l..,MFl'U,h'#SIJD'Wl-'�ltNluf� ld,.:11raw1d Oo Don'-e
• ,omp,.r6 pnce& • buythe A Pair wort ltnaQ:l'\a mat a s:r.ii�et" a� )'DU I.or ITIO � he'p pay ott a
C Class activity Share your an s HCrs v.+:n )OU' c 1 a •l�kfDruln • buybra frivclous deb1. W o uk:: ',Ou �p? Tell your parter Then 1ead tt.e a.rtJCle.
ffltIIOMO most often"?
• check Id, for u�ed iUtnl • �5eertd
a Group work Brainstorm do$ and don'ts f0< one of
• gelling ever a �d co!d • slaying safe sn ab
C RGAd 11\!S J)iragraph abOul living on a light budgot
sentence a,,d a s!m·!ar oaragrapr. at>oul your topic u
hf'1ewn.1tim, .. -ti..., KJfl"" Ot,1n.akwMn'1
� A ..__ _ __,(ID(Dlii] Tp..a1!5900!:rill,111ii•votff•t0tf' Shcwu
oU�;,bJ:U Sbe�\lmct'r:.1J1Ji;hnaa1,,;,o
� , .. .ng M • 11grt t:uUgAt J �.u, ,! y::: ... 1ollc-.-. so ttt on th, £1bwJ}', bu: �hf' l�ed rldr.. Sb. wu a SM'• r«,.w�d t�,,w:-Scnp:;c:unt\�
�lrni:onfro:l\lt�.ruol'll 900•Wttlr..,mlhMI
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NIC!'C :o ��I..�• •ut � ht.-. oth�r •um:s arid 9:::, :,. Vuitt=-8::llU-.c-aaoW .. i;s!,221.A0'1tdltUN! 11'■ hi.rd n, i.:.ndta wh1so e:ui ptt. bd.-d
bl!H•nd1n.r:npqNn:&a..:a1.11 : 1t. �dtdcLd
do,,, t bl! ,r, l: r,.,,ryl l• ) cu !31.C)Outt 'Tl!:! y:: -' 'T'l�t thcr ... -uw:trlCf"ac.b.�.,. SN-b\lU1.1WHlo(f' I t«'1 llRr>gtt r .. ,.ou brr lwg cr..J,: c.1,d1:.0t
-o.•, �Ii: au cspe,se., ,. �e•e's g:i, --i3 tc �t :i.-es,: .a.ndr.mpty�rop!tolwlp!:.nou:.b) �I ',Vhyd!dthayc!.o��u;:l. ·rw:uj\;r
bonc .:bout •bat �.f'Cl 1 d.w:hft ,nu-., li!JI
;c:�=">3"d ,c,..., Y0-.1U"\Cl-t-:• .. the -ef,5:ape 0aL')u;tc, K-11}11 �J7u.;i.i;nefl brt •�r.w1Cli11or-r� wnng tllewadd.H.-r.i.."Ulr
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�nid • C"-"C tc t,,,. . ..a•,.:. _. olboul ::4'h c�;-t,.,�•s. i.J.'�me�Sl.fdb.b::aw&ec.,,aftd!'ma.un '1l$ .. ,•d,,u11Mi,n•n,run.),nr.-;�w,
t.Mlur20,000p«f:-t-CNZ.lherc-.,.hoc.n•.tfout !:za;t.louln-wt=in:n,�all"'"i!rthr:lo!uN;L
,oin-eertl.'A:nn1o&!�Hcr•� s,: ••·h:h1"111a,t0w.!F.rll, t-eq �hb-.
... .u vu.1ti:d q• Cl\.'ff' t.b. .I nail!Otl p«,-,W !MW«1�.AcL&.:.l ) l<.u,WJ.'inOll"lfP•or,
0 Pair work [Yef'!11nge or-1,r.stormong s anci p,3rag Ahhao.e}t1'11c..:.ort1JttCn-r.1fnt4ollra..Cl'n �,_ top,• �r• webr•.ub:auai:rn!or
Then answer me quest,ons. r,:c�t�.$1.000. Sbc-"'uon.TVu:d;n :nua. Tbt pr-Kld�·cyber•�r,g.•
1 How many orainr.orm.rg lee.s dod your p,3rner • �prnaN! m.a.p�nu. !it-A wuofttnd.a �OM' Mon flt" r,c�·rt.n:• tnfficlllden:n�cn.!
duJ .1..-u! JI cr.. COl:tH.:L And ol ,i;--. IM�
K.a•yn 1IJOh� f�rf,�
�WRITING! 2. Do you l'\3·e sny questions about your oanne,'s �" w p,tJ o!Tbuntdtt u1d dd,L \oo�tu..K..ry:tJJ)"'ibennttlnth\$.v:�t
e"'io me bu1 onea?
P� Hf':� b.n.:n.auid i;r;�cm
SM.lla .... �t.uc!.e�dothoQt.Ssy.tnhn
tasks build academic you d•S.lgfll�e w,th? UOStt.•thet� rh• Gr,cri P'lt�s oot.t t.u, K.a.17"' OOUibtt •·t1·,,,-a.r�p,MMt.l7�;ito,_,:�t.C-U':
b:c-ps ..U t1-.c ��Wt pcurlC"bav-tM'nl bu
writing skills through 3. Can you th,nk 0 1 a wooa trt:e lcr your partnttr"S pa
step-by-step activities.
,�... :i.-. .. 1,tt. ·. ·-· a Read the ar:i::le again arid ans,,.er the 0ues1r0ns Theo compare i,,ocr ans .... t>rs
1. Why was Kar}r: lf1 financiaJ 1.1oub:e1
2. Whi!I 'Nil$ ner main sclullon to her problem? W.nat elso did she do7
3. Why did so m:iny peopie resPOnd oosltr\,.1 ) • 10 Mr webs11e?
C G,oup work O,scuss tnese ques1ior.s Then snar,a )'OUr answe<s v.rttl the Clais.s
1 Do you think Karyn ..,.a, Uf'lehlClll, et W;IS Al'\e li•mply clever?
2. \Vllat would you riave done If you v.ero Karyn?
More support is always available - when and where you need it!
extensive practice of grammar and a digital version of the Workbook - ACCELERATOR increases the speed and
vocabulary as well as additional enables your teacher to provide ease of learning new vocabulary through powerful
reading and writing activities. instant feedback on your work. and innovative digital learning techniques.