Page 6 - Passages 3rd Edition (demo)
P. 6
Congratulations! You have learned the basics; now Along the way, you will encounter frequent
it's time to raise your English to a whole new level. communication reviews and progress checks that
will systematically consolidate your learning,
Your journey through each unit of Passages Third while additional grammar and vocabulary
Edition will include a range of activities that will practice is available whenever you need it in the
progressively expand your language ability in Grammar Plus and Vocabulary Plus sections in the
a variety of contexts, including formal and informal back of this book.
Unique features to boost your English proficiency!
is explored in context and builds on
previously encountered structures. · I
Grammar Plus:
extra grammar explanapons andpractice !
Peraonallty ■urvey when you need it! u�1_i1 ulf · _ _ :
A Do you ag!eo with the!;,e statements? Complete the survey. �] GRAMMAR
� verb• rollow•d by gerund•
\JSI the ;erun tonn alt11 these verbs. Uu the gerund or lntlnltiVe lorn, artm- thes vtr1
J enjo going to part 'Wfie I don't know e.·eryo. ! can't stMd being I to be tn a mess room.
I avoid expres my� an-$ ileain ptJl l!ovwtaklr,/totacmyl:ietocoolne-Ndl.:
!don't mmd glYing up my time tnhel;othepeco that! gettll up/UI get up foe eari f!lldass
I 1n1•kl up•HUflf •r fitll1hlJ 91\,i, ld1ft 1ft i,sWk.. Ust the g1nmd fOffl 1fttr these npnu. contatnq l)(tposl
lls,lsto•-llfffftf_,.4edd. I insit on maldog my awn aewi
I Hfl't wn4 .i•"'t •• 111r ri- 1• b.fp othu Pffs,ls. r a1wa rw gomg darl!
rm into goi:na out to new fot'! restaurants
..... I I ii I
I c,u't111t1 .. Ni119J.II O lltffJ, 1lhor,JonJ111d rout A Look at the Starting Point on page 2 again, Gen yoo fifld otl'le expre�s that are
I prsfv klUll.f �opk h � •• I fN'!, cvu ff it's 1tt1lii.rronl"'II. follcv.·ed b'J gerunds? \"lhich of 1hem can also be followed by ir:fit'\itives?
D Pair work How do you feel about these things? Discuss your answers usmg
D Pair work Compare your res:xu,ses to the survey. Find two verbs or ex.prions folkw.:ed by gen.nds and inf.nittve.s.
your partner are d1fferenl.
1. tell people th3t I'm ar.gry wi!h them 4. eat a fuU me3l late at mght
Ml'm fHll ,1fr.J/d af giving spef!(;s }11 ITDnt of tile clJss How abouJ you'' 2. help with chores aro-Jnd the house 5. sta.---t convio.'\S wi:Ji peop.e I oo,,-t know
•Off, I'm Cfefinittr, afraid of doing tm1t1• 3. listen to peopie's personal problems 6. go to places where I ha ... e 10 use Esv.�h
·1 o.1uJJlty il.vold tlfllnJ: peop� l'ni anary with thnl I rlt1 I'm 1urt afralO cl makmg
f'J VOCABULARY & SPEAKING r/lem 6111/1)' a1 me.�
How would you deacrlbo youraeU?
A Which statement from the survey best matches these personality tra�s?
Wnte the correct number. Then compa:,a; answes with a partner. Personal protileet
_l_ a.. friendly a.'ld outgoing _ d. kind and generot1s _ 9. wild and crazy It look at the information about these people. Which pe.son :s r:-.os: similar to you? Why?
_ b. st:ong and Independent e. honest and sincere h. calm and cool
c. tafd•b.ack and relaxed t. shy and reserll'ed i. neat and tidV
B Pair work Ctioose ano1rier partner.
Find two traits you have in cornmon.
Flnd one way that you're different. Same traits Differenltralls
Soamt.�am.,wo., l 111�111(that
·So, hoW' �oukl you dt'SCIDe f\)U�• I'm the .same 'n/· rd Strf l'm more ..
•we11. l'd5:11lmpt1JrtyWd-tJK.kandrelvrd.· So<tol{ldo.1DO,) Re-.dlyJoon't
•Me, too t neYel worr dbool �rting r,l3res oo tuna..• t�doL(IOOftleith.) llla'tnoltruel'01me. Job
•/ don'1 tr!Mer. I lil<tt tllklng It IH1 .ml • ••• rtll!:iili!■nider.t artin lawi_:u
6 . 41 \' •• ti "Ii j . &;\j Pfflana.!lti, llie:i:Sh,1 a•i:! 011t901nq wi!cl UHi cut,; thyal'l3recen,eO aR!lfl!laKri
•loYestou�e • intowa!c.l!;,i;;;11\i:1 • eniO\l!icc-:iJ,,ng
5Plift5 • can't,u1oi;c,ng m1;111iu ffi!!"il!i IOI hltlll1'
•lnttuai.1lin9: l!am11at.1,1 •lllllHtDllllii!k!'i
8 Class actM1:, Write a similar profile for )'ourself. Don't write your na.-ne.
Your teacher will take your profile and give yo < J the profile of another stUCent.
Ask uestions around the cla:ss to find the othef student.
� \Vha1 k!nd of ;::ierson aru you1 J