Page 12 - Passages 3rd Edition (demo)
P. 12
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~1~ES.SON A ...,.., What kind of person are you?
WJ Personality survey
A Do you agree with these statements? Complete the survey.
(person..~lity Survey
0 0 0
I'm not afraid of giving speeches in front of the class.
0 0 0
I enjoy going to parties where I don't know everyone.
I avoid expressing my feelings and ideas in public.
0 0 0
0 0 0
• I insist on making my own decisions.
I don't mind giving up my time to help other people. 0 0 0
0 0 0
I never worry about getting places on time.
I always feel like going dancing! 0 0 0
I can't stand being in a messy, disorganiied room. 0 0 0
0 0 0
I prefer telling people how I feel, even if it's embarrassing.
B Pair work Compare your responses to the survey. Find two ways you and
your partner are different.
"I'm not afraid of giving speeches in front of the class. How about you?"
"Oh, I'm definitely afraid of doing that!"
~ w would you describe yourself?
A Which statement from the survey best matches these personality traits?
Write the correct number. Then compare answers with a partner.
_l_ a. friendly and outgoing d. kind and generous _ _ g. wild and crazy
b. strong and independent e. honest and sincere h. calm and cool
c. laid-back and relaxed f. shy and reserved i. neat and tidy
B Pair work Choose another partner.
Find two traits you have in common.
Find one way that you're different. Same traits
So am I. (I am, too.)
"So, how would you describe yourself?"
I'm the same way. I'd say I'm more . ..
"Well, I'd say I'm pretty /aid-back and relaxed."
So do I. (I do, too.) Really? I don't.
"Me, too. I never worry about getting places on time." Neither do I. (I don't either.) That's not true for me.
"/don't either. I like taking it easy and . .. "
1 VOCABULARY PLUS see page 130
2 AIWilt Friends and family