Page 10 - In Focus (demo)
P. 10


                  Charles Browne would like to thank his wife, Yukari, and their three children, Joshua, Noah,
                  and Hannah. Joseph Phillips would like to acknowledge the support of his wife, Miho Tajima,
                  and their children, who tried to do their best to behave while he was working on In Focus.
                  Brent Culligan would like to thank his family, who provided most of the motivation to continue
                  this project, especially when the true extent of the commitment became apparent.

                  The authors thank Richard Walker for his tireless, patient, and positive support throughout
                  the entire writing process, and Katherine Wong for her unwavering professionalism and help
                  during the various stages of the project.

                  Many people contributed to the development of In Focus. The authors and publisher would like
                  to particularly thank the following reviewers for their valuable insights:
                  Glenn Allies, International Graduate School of English, Seoul, South Korea; Shawn Beasom,
                  Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan; Mark Christianson, International Christian University, Tokyo,
                  Japan; Andrew Cook, Busan University, Busan, South Korea; Tony Covello, Yeojoo Institute of
                  Technology, Yeoju, South Korea; Jay Fraser, Soongsil University, Seoul, South Korea; Johnny
                  Gou, National Taiwan University of Education, Taipei, Taiwan; Jason M. Ham, The Catholic
                  University of South Korea, Seoul, South Korea; Shu-fen Huang, National Central University,
                  Zhongli, Taiwan; Mitsuko Izutsu, Sapporo Gakuin University, Sapporo, Japan; Steven Kirk,
                  University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan; Yayoi Kosugi, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan; J. Lake,
                  Fukuoka Women’s University, Fukuoka, Japan; Tae Lee, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea;
                  Chi-fan Lin, Shih Hsin University, Taipei, Taiwan; Michael McCollister, Feng Chia University,
                  Taichung, Taiwan; Philip Moriarty, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan; Kazuhiro Nomura,
                  Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Kobe, Japan; Sakae Onoda, Kanda University of
                  International Studies, Chiba, Japan; Shuji Ozeki, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan; Peeriya
                  Pongsarigun, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand; Woralap Sangvatanachai, Khon
                  Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand; Chris Shanks, British Council, Bangkok, Thailand; David
                  Travis Shaw, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea; Richmond Stroupe, Soka University,
                  Tokyo, Japan; Mingjen Tsai, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Neipu,
                  Taiwan; Modesto Tumacder, Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea; Yoko Wakui, Aoyama
                  Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan; Douglas Wood, British Council, Bangkok, Thailand; Jennilee
                  Yoon, Gachon University, Seongnam, South Korea

                  The authors thank Chris Caridia and Cambridge University Press staff:

                  Harry Ahn, Karen Brock, Seil Choi, Leo Chon, Sean Elwell-Sutton, Tomomi Katsuki, Alice Kim,
                  Nesha Naidu, Jinhee Park, Panthipa Rojanasuworapong, Mario Santos, Satoko Shimoyama,
                  Ivan Sorrentino, Stuart Vinnie, Irene Yang

                  Book and cover design by Designers Collective
                  Book layout by Transnet Pte Ltd
                  Illustrations by LiDan Illustration & Design Studio
                  Audio production by Anzak Modern Music Productions

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