Page 9 - In Focus (demo)
P. 9

Critical thinking

        Research skills            Writing                    Skills                     Speaking

        Information gathering      Sentence writing           Matching statements with   Discussion
        • Matching advertisements   Pros and cons of advertising  the author’s opinion   •  Designing an online ad
           with advertising technique                                                    •  Presenting the ad to the class
                                                              Ranking personal
        Comparing results                                     information that students      and agreeing which is most
        •  Comparing and discussing                           are willing to provide online  effective
           advertising techniques and                                                    Quotable Quotes
          their popularity                                                               •  Discussing the power of
                                                                                            advertising to infl uence

        Information gathering      Sentence writing           Matching statements with   Discussion
        •  Collecting information on                          the author’s opinion       •  Where and how people
                                   Should dangerous or risky
           real cases of competition                                                        compete in life
                                   activities be a question of   Ranking activities in which
        Comparing results          personal choice?           drugs are likely to be used  Quotable Quotes
        •  Comparing and discussing                                                      •  Discussing how important
           other cases of real world                                                       winning is

        Information gathering      Sentence writing           Matching statements with   Discussion
        •  Ranking time spent on   Issues and disadvantages of   the author’s opinion    •  Planning  life after retirement
           everyday activities in the UK                                                 •  Presenting plans to the class
                                   living very long lives     Ranking lifestyles that lead
        Comparing results                                     to a long life             Quotable Quotes
        •  Comparing and discussing                                                      •  Discussing  the meaning of
           the results with those of                                                        “quality of life”

        Information gathering      Sentence writing           Matching statements with   Discussion
        •  Brainstorming areas where   Pros and cons of technology   the author’s opinion   •  Discussing probable,
           robots can replace humans                                                        possible, and impossible
                                   and society                Ranking likelihood of jobs
        Comparing results                                     for robots in the future     technological inventions
        •  Discussing jobs that robots                                                   Quotable Quotes
           should not do                                                                 •  Discussing the role of the
                                                                                            teacher and technology in
                                                                                           the classroom

        Information gathering      Sentence writing           Matching statements with   Discussion
        •  Collecting information on   Should protesters be   the author’s opinion       •  Discussing different opinions
           food production in different   allowed to stop a circus   Ranking animals from most      on the treatment of animals
                                   performance?               liked to least liked       Quotable Quotes
        Comparing results                                                                •  Discussing quotes for and
        •  Comparing and discussing                                                         against killing animals
          the results

        Information gathering      Sentence writing           Matching statements with   Discussion
        •  Matching headlines to   Very unusual news stories  the author’s opinion       •  Discussing the differences
           category of news story                                                           between traditional reporting
                                                              Ranking how probable
                                                                                           and citizen journalism
        Comparing results                                     different news stories are    •  Reporting ideas to the class
        •  Finding out which news
           stories are most popular                                                      Quotable Quotes
                                                                                         •  Discussing if the media can
                                                                                            control the way people think

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