Page 7 - In Focus (demo)
P. 7
Critical thinking
Research skills Writing Skills Speaking
Information gathering Sentence writing Matching statements with Discussion
• Analyzing advertisements the author’s opinion • Matching slogans with
The most popular and
Comparing results effective advertising Categorizing the effects advertising techniques
• Comparing and discussing techniques of advertising: positive or • ”Greenwashing” as an
advertisements and their negative advertising technique
effectiveness Quotable Quotes
• Discussing whether
advertising must always tell
the truth
Information gathering Sentence writing Matching statements with Discussion
• Ranking how dangerous Taking up a sport again after the author’s opinion • Should extreme athletes
certain sports are have to pay their own
a serious accident Finding out and ranking the
Comparing results reasons for people to do hospital bills?
• Comparing and discussing sports Quotable Quotes
popularity of sports • Discussing people who “live
Information gathering Sentence writing Matching statements with Discussion
• Comparing the average age What old people fear most the author’s opinion • Considering questions about
of populations in different about growing old Ranking fears about old age society and the elderly
Quotable Quotes
Comparing results • Discussing the best age to be
• Comparing ideas for coping rich and poor
with different population
Information gathering Sentence writing Matching statements with Discussion
• Completing an information Should robots have rights? the author’s opinion • Designing a new robot in a
chart on movies starring Ranking household activities small group
robots • Presenting the robot to the
that robots could do
Comparing results class
• Discussing different Quotable Quotes
functions of robots and • Discussing whether data on
which types will exist in the computers is safe
Information gathering Sentence writing Matching statements with Discussion
• Completing an information Reacting to opinions on the the author’s opinion • Assessing different
chart on animals and medical use of animals in research Ranking which animals arguments for and against
research animal rights
should have most rights
Comparing results • Deciding as a class who wins
• Discussing the use of the vote
animals to find cures for Quotable Quotes
diseases • Discussing whether
cosmetics could be tested on
Information gathering Sentence writing Matching statements with Discussion
• Questionnaire on Internet Pros and cons of research on the author’s opinion • The right to use information
media usage by students available on the Internet
the Internet Ranking different news
Comparing results sources • Reporting results of
• Comparing and discussing discussions
popularity and legality of Quotable Quotes
media usage • Discussing the Internet and
free speech