Page 7 - Touchstone 2nd Ed (demo)
P. 7
Contents and learning outcomes
Interaction Skills I Self study
Conversation • • •
�trategies Free talk • • •••
• Ask follow-up questions That's great! Exergoming: Give it An article for o health Find out about your Who's doing what?
to keep a conversation • Listen to people tell you a try! magazine class motes • Write new words in true
going their news and choose a • Read an article about • Write a short article • Class activity: Learn sentences
. React with expressions good follow-up question exergaming giving advice about interesting facts about
like That's great' and to ask them exercise classmates
That's taa bad Do you enjoy it? • Use imperatives to give
• Listen to people talk advice
about exercises they like
• Take time to think using I'll toke it. The Dubai Moll: Shopping, Favorite places to shop How do you like Nice outfit!
Uh. Um. Well. Let's see. • Listen to conversations in a Entertainment, Lifestyle • Write a review for your to dress? • Label pictures with new
and Let me think store, and write the prices • Read a review of favorite store • Group work: Compare vocabulary
•. Use "sounds" like of items and which items a mall • Link ideas with because ideas about shopping
Uh-huh to show you are people buy to give reasons and clothing
listening, and Oh to Favorite places to shop
show your feelings
• Listen to someone talk
about shopping.and
identify shopping
preferences and habits
• Explain words using a International dishes The Travel Guide An online travel guide Where in the world? People and notions
kind of. kind of like, and • Listen to a person talking • Read a travel website • Write a paragraph for a • Pair work: Discuss where • Group new vocabulary in
like about international foods. travel guide to do various things in two ways
• Use like to give and identify the foods • Commas in lists the world
examples she likes
What language is it from?
• Listen to a conversation.
and identify the origin
and meaning of words
I Checkpoint Units 7-9 pages 95-96
• Respond with Good week? Bod week? She said yes!!! A great day Yesterday Ways with verbs
expressions like Good • Listen to people talk • Read Martin's Blog entry • Write a blog entry • Pair work: Look at a • Write down information
luck. You poor thing. etc. about their week and • Order events with picture and list what you about new verbs
• Use You did? to show respond before, ofter, when, and remember
that you are interested Guess what I did! then
or surprised. or that • Listen to voice mail
you are listening
messages about what
people did
• Show interest by Weekend fun How embarrassing! He said, she said Guess where I went on Post experiences
answering a question • Listen to conversations • Read a funny magazine • Complete a funny story vocation. • Use a time chart to log
and then asking a about peoples' weekends. story • Use punctuation to show • Group work: Guess new vocabulary
similar one and identify main topics direct quotations or classmates· dream
• Use Anyway to change and details speech vacations
the topic or end a Funny stories
• Listen to two stories,
identify the details, and
then predict the endings
• Use or something and or If you wont my Restaurant guide Do you recommend it? Plan a picnic I love to eat!
anything to make. a advice ... • Restaurant descriptions • Write a restaurant review • Group work: Plan a • Group vocabulary by
general statement • Listen to people talking and recommendations • Use adjectives to picnic menu and make a things you like and don't
• End yes-no questions about lunch. and describe restaurants shopping list like
with or ... 'to be less identify what they want;
direct then react to statements
Do you recommend it?
• Listen to someone tell a
friend about a restaurant
and identify important
details about it
I Checkpoint Units 10-12 pages 127-128