Page 6 - Touchstone 2nd Ed (demo)
P. 6

Grammar            Vocabulary         Pronunciation

        Unit 7       •  Describe the weather              •  Present continuous   •  Seasons     Speaking naturally
                     •  Talk about ongoing activities with the present continuous   statements. yes-no   •  Weather   •  Stress and intonation in
        Out and about   •  Talk about sports and exercise   questions. short answers.   •  Sports and exercise with   questions
        pages 65-74   •  Ask about current activities using the present continuous   and information questions   play, do, and go   Sounds right
                     •  Ask follow-up questions to keep a conversation going   •  Imperatives   •  Common responses to good  •  Sounds like ou in four or
                                                          Extra practice
                     •  React to news with That's greac.  That's coo bad. etc.   and bad news      or in word
                     •  Read an article about exergaming
                     •  Write an article about exercise using imperatives
        Unit 8       •  Talk about clothes                •  Like to, wane ta. need to.   •  Clothing and accessories   Speaking naturally
                     •  Say what you like to, want co. need to, and have to do   and have co   •  Jewelry   •  Want to and have to
        Shopping     •  Talk about accessories            •  Questions with How   •  Colors      Sounds right
        pages 75-84   •  Ask about prices using How much ...  '·this.that.   much ... ?: this, these;   •  Shopping expressions   •  Sounds like a in hat
                       these, and chose                    thac. those        •  Prices
                     •  Take time to think using Uh, Lee's see, etc.   Extra practice   •  "Time to think" expressions
                     •  Use Uh-huh and Oh in responses                        •  "Conversation sounds"
                     •  Read a review of a shopping mall
                     •  Write a review of a store using because
        Unit 9       •  Give sightseeing information with can and can't   •  Can and can't for ability   •  Sightseeing activities   Speaking naturally
                     •  Talk about international foods. places. and people   and possibility   •  Countries   •  Can and can't
        A wide world   •  Say what languages you can speak   Extra practice   •  Regions         Sounds right
        pages 85-94   •  Explain words using kind of and kind a[ like        •  Languages        •  Sounds like sh in she or ch
                     •  Use like to give examples                            •  Nationalities      in child
                     •  Read a travel website
                     •  Write a paragraph for a travel website

                                             Checkpoint Units 7-9  pages 95-96

        Unit 10      •  Talk about last night using simple past regular verbs  •  Simple past statements.   •  Simple past irregular verbs  Speaking naturally
                     •  Describe the past week using simple past irregular verbs   yes-no questions. and   •  Time expressions for  •  -ed endings
        Busy lives   •  Ask simple past yes-no questions   short answers       the past          Sounds right
        pages 97-106   •  Respond to news with Good for you. etc.   Extra practice   •  Fixed expressions   •  Sounds like oo in looked,
                     •  Say You did? to show surprise or interest                                  ou in bought, o in spoke,
                     •  Read about a blogger's week                                                ore in left
                     •  Write a blog about your week, using after, before.
        Unit 11      •  Describe past experiences        •  Simple past of be in  •  Adjectives to describe   Speaking naturally
                     •  Ask and answer questions using the past of be   statements, yes-no   feelings   •  Stress and intonation i,
        Looking back   •  Talk about vacations             questions. and short  •  Expressions with ga and get   questions and answers
        pages 107-116   •  Talk about activities with go and get expressions   answers           Sounds right
                     •  Show interest by answering and then asking a similar   •  Simple past information   •  Which vowel sound is
                      question                           Extra practice                            different?
                     •  Use Anyway to change the topic or end a conversation
                     •  Read a funny magazine story
                     •  Write a story using punctuation for conversations
        Unit 12      •  Talk about eating habits using countable and   •  Countable and uncountable  •  Foods and food groups   Speaking naturally
                      uncountable nouns, How much, and How many   nouns      •  Expressions for eating   •  Would you ... ?
        Fabulous food   •  Talk about food               •  How much . .. 'and How   habits      Sounds right
        pages 117-126   •  Make offers using Would you like .. . and some or any   many ... ?   •  Adjectives to describe   •  Syllable stress
                     •  Use or something and or anything in lists   •  Would you like (co).   restaurants
                     •  End yes-no questions with or ... ? to be less direct   and I'd like (to) ...
                     •  Read a restaurant guide          •  Some and any
                     •  Write a restaurant review        •  A lot of. much. and many
                                                         Extra practice

                                           Checkpoint Units 10-12  pages 127-128

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