Page 4 - Touchstone 2nd Ed (demo)
P. 4

Touchstone  Level 1  Contents and  Learning outcomes

                              learning outcomes
         Unit 1       •  Say hello and good-bye           •  The verb be with I. you. and   •  Expressions to say hello   •  Letters and numbers
                      •  Introduce yourself                 we in statements, yes-no   and good-bye   •  Email addresses
         All about you   •  Ask for. give. and spell names   questions. and short   •  Numbers 0-10   Sounds right
         pages 1-10   •  Use the verb be with I, we, and you   answers        •  Personal information   •  Sounds like hi
                      •  Exchange email addresses, phone numbers. etc.   •  Questions with What's .. .  '   •  Everyday expressions
                                                            and answers with It's .. .
                      •  Complete an application form     Extra practice
                      •  Ask How abour you?
                      •  Use expressions like Thanks or Thank you
         Unit 2       •  Ask and say where people are     •  The verb be with he, she.   •  Personal items   Speaking naturally
                      •  Use be with he. she. and they      and they in statements,   •  Classroom objects   •  Noun plural endings
         In class     •  Talk about things you take to class using a I on   yes-no questions. and   •  Prepositions and   Sounds right
         pages 11-20   •  Ask about things using this and these   short answers   expressions of location   •  Sounds like e in she or a in
                      •  Ask where things are in a classroom   •  Articles a. on, and the           late
                      •  Say who owns things using possessive 's ands'   •  This and these
                                                          •  Noun plurals
                      •  Ask for help in class            •  Questions with Where ... '
                      •  Respond to I'm sorry and Thanks
                                                          •  Possessives 'sand  s'
                                                          Extra practice
         Unit3        •  Talk about celebrities using my, your. his. her.   •  Possessive adjectives   •  Types of celebrities   Speaking naturally
                       our. and their                     •  The verb be in statements,   •  Basic adjectives   •  Is he ... ? or Is she ... ?
         Favorite     •  Describe people's personalities    yes-no questions. and   •  Adjectives to describe   Sounds right
         people       •  Ask and answer yes-no questions    short answers       personality       •  Sounds likes in see or z in
         pages 21-30   •  Say the ages of your family members   •  Information questions   •  Family members   zero
                      •  Ask information questions about family members   with be   •  Numbers 10-101
                      •  Show interest in a conversation   Extra practice
                      •  Say Really? to show interest or surprise
                                              Checkpoint Units 1-3  pages 31-32
         Unit4        •  Describe a typical morning using the simple present   •  Simple present statements,   •  Verbs for everyday activities  Speaking naturally
                      •  Describe weekly routines           yes·no questions. and short  •  Days of the week   •  -s endings of verbs
         Everyday life   •  Ask and answer yes-no questions about your week   answers   •  Time expressions for   Sounds right
         pages 33-42   •  Say more than yes or no to be friendly   Extra practice   routines      •  Sounds like u in srudy, o in
                      •  Say Well to get more time to think                                         phone. e in get. or a in law
                      •  Read an article about American habits
                      •  Write about a classmate for a class website
         Unit5        •  Talk about your free time        •  Simple present information   •  Types of TV shows   Speaking naturally
                      •  Ask simple present information questions   questions   •  Free-time activities   •  Do you ... ?
         Free time    •  Say how often you do things      •  Frequency adverbs   •  Time expressions for   Sounds right
         pages 43-52   •  Talk about TV shows you like    Extra practice       frequency          •  Which o sound is different?
                      •  Ask questions in two ways to be clear or not too direct   •  Expressions for likes and
                      •  Say I mean to say more or repeat ideas                dislikes
                      •  Read an article on technology addicts
                      •  Email a friend for advice using and and but

         Unit6        •  Say what's in a neighborhood with There's/ There are   •  There's and there ore   •  Neighborhood places   Speaking naturally
                      •  Describe places                  •  Quantifiers      •  Adjectives       •  Word stress
                 o s
         N eig bor ho d  •  Tell the time and ask questions with What time ... ?   •  Adjectives before nouns   •  Expressions for telling   Sounds right
         pages 53-62   •  Make suggestions with Let's     •  Telling time                         •  Which sound vowel sound
                     •  Say Me too or Me neither to show things in common   •  Suggestions with Let's   is different
                      •  Say Right or I know to agree     Extra practice
                     •  Read a guide to New York City
                     •  Write a city guide using prepositions
                                              Checkpoint Units 4-6  pages 63-64

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