Page 3 - Touchstone 2nd Ed (demo)
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       Touchstone Second Edition has benefited from extensive development   Authors' Acknowledgments
      research. The authors and publishers would like to extend their thanks to   The authors would like to thank all the Cambridge University Press staff and
      the following reviewers and consultants for their valuable insights and   freelancers who were involved in the creation of  Touchstone Second Edition.
      s:.iggestions:                                           In addition, they would like to acknowledge a huge debt of gratitude that
      Ana Lucia da Costa Maia de Almeida and Monica da Costa Monteiro de Souza   they owe to two people: Mary Vaughn, for her role in creating Touchstone
      from IBEU, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;  Andreza Cristiane Melo do Lago from Magic   First Edition and for being a constant source of wisdom ever since, and
      English School, Mana  us.  Brazil; Magaly Mendes Lemos from ICBEU, Sao Jose   Bryan Fletcher, who also had the vision that has led to the success of
      dos Campos. Brazil; Maria Lucia Zaorob. Sao  Paulo,  Brazil;  Patricia McKay   Touchstone Blended Learning.
      Aronis from CEL LEP, Sao Paulo.  Brazil; Carlos Gontow, Sao Paulo,  Brazil;   Helen Sandiford would like to thank her family for their love and support,
      Christiane Augusto Gomes da Silva from Colegio Visconde de Porto Seguro,   especially her husband Bryan.
      Sao Paulo, Brazil; Silvana Fontana from Lord's ldiomas, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
      Alexander Fabiano Morishigue from Speed Up ldiomas, Jales, Brazil;   The author team would also like to thank each other, for the joy of working
      Elisabeth Blom from Casa Thomas Jefferson, Brasilia,  Brazil; Michelle Dear   together, sharing the same professional dedication, and for the mutual
      from International Academy of English. Toronto,  ON, Canada; Walter Duarte   support and friendship.
      Marin,  Laura Hurtado Portela. Jorge Quiroga. and Ricardo Suarez, from Centro   Finally, the authors would like to thank our dear friend Alejandro Martinez.
      Colombo Americano, Bogota, Colombia; Jhon Jairo Castaneda Macias from   Global Training Manager, who sadly passed away in 2012. He is greatly
      Praxis English Academy, Bucaramanga. Colombia; Gloria Liliana Moreno   missed by all who had the pleasure to work with him. Alex was a huge
      Vizcaino from Universidad Santo Tomas, Bogota, Colombia; Elizabeth Ortiz   supporter of Touchstone and everyone is deeply grateful to him for his
      from Copol English Institute (COPEi), Guayaquil, Ecuador; Henry Foster from   contribution to its success.
      Kyoto Tachibana University, Kyoto, Japan; Ste.ven Kirk from Tokyo University,
      Tokyo, Japan; J.  Lake from Fukuoka Woman's University, Fukuoka. Japan;
      Etsuko Yoshida from Mie University, Mie, Japan;  B.  Bricklin Zeff from Hokkai
      Gakuen University, Hokkaido, Japan; Ziad Abu·Hamatteh from AI-Balqa'
      Applied University, Al·Salt, Jordan;  Roxana Perez Flores from Universidad
      Autonoma de Coahuila language Center. Saltillo, Mexico; Kim Alejandro
      Soriano Jimenez from Universidad Politecnica de Altamira, Altamira, Mexico;
      Tere Calderon Rosas from Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Campus
      lztapalapa, Mexico City, Mexico; Lilia Bondareva, Polina Ermakova, and
      Elena Frumina, from National Research Technical University MISiS, Moscow,
      Russia; Dianne C. Ellis from Kyung Hee University, Gyeonggi-do. South
      Korea; Jason M.  Ham and Victoria Jo from Institute of Foreign language
      Education, Catholic University of Korea, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea; Shaun
      Manning from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea;
      Natalie Renton from Busan National University of Education, Busan, South
      Korea; Chris Sautter from Busan University of Foreign Studies, Busan, South
      Korea; Andrew Cook from Dong A University, Busan, South Korea; Raymond
      Wowk from Daejin University, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea; Ming-Hui Hsieh and
      Jessie Huang from National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan; Kim Phillips
      from Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan;  Alex Shih from China
      University of Technology, Taipei Ta-Liao Township, Taiwan; Porntip
      Bodeepongse from Thaksin University, Songkhla, Thailand; Nattaya
      Puakpong and Pannathon Sangarun from Suranaree University of
      Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima. Thailand; Barbara Richards, Gloria
      Stewner-Manzanares, and Caroline Thompson, from Montgomery College,
      Rockville. MD. USA; Kerry Vrabel from Gateway Community College, Phoenix,
      AZ, USA.
      Touchstone Second Edition authors and publishers would also like to thank
      the following individuals and institutions who have provided excellent
      feedback and support on Touchstone Blended:
      Gordon Lewis, Vice President, Laureate Languages and Chris Johnson,
      Director, Laureate English Programs, Latin America from laureate
      International Universities; Universidad de las Americas, Santiago, Chile;
      University of Victoria, Paris, France; Universidad Techn6logica
      Centroamericana, Honduras; lnstititut Universitaire de Casablanca,
      Morocco; Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru;
      CIBERTEC, Peru; National Research Technical University (MiSIS), Moscow,
      Russia; lnstitut Obert de Catalunya (IOC), Barcelona, Spain; Sedat �ilingir,
      Burcu Tezcan Onal, and Didem Mut�ahoglu from istanbul Bilgi Oniversitesi,
      Istanbul, Turkey.
      Touchstone Second Edition authors and publishers would also like to thank
      the following contributors to Touchstone Second Edition:
      Sue Aldcorn, Frances Amrani, Deborah Gordon, Lisa Hutchins, Nancy Jordan,
      Steven Kirk, Genevieve Kocienda, Geraldine Mark, Julianna Nielsen, Kathryn
      O'Dell, Ellen Shaw, Kristin Sherman. Luis Silva Susa, Mary Vaughn, Kerry S.
      Vrabel, and Eric Zuarino.
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