Page 5 - Touchstone 2nd Ed (demo)
P. 5
Contents and learning outcomes .. ,,,a,,
Interaction Self study
• Ask How about you' • Recognize responses to • Different types of • Complete an application The name game Meetings and greetings
• Use everyday he/la and good-bye identincation cards and • Group work: Play a game • Write new expressions
expressions like Yeah Memberships documents to learn classmates' with their responses
and Thanks • Listen for personal names
information, and
complete application
• Ask for help in class Who's absent today? • Classroom conversations • Write questions about What do you remember? My things
• Respond to Thank you • Listen to a classroom locations • Pair work: Look at a • Link things with places
and I'm sorry conversation, and say picture and list what you
where students are remember
Fallowing instructions
• Recognize classroom
• Show interest Friends • A family tree • Write questions about Guess the famous person All in the family
by repeating • Listen to three people's people • Pair work: Ask yes-no • Make a family tree
information and descriptions of their questions to guess a
asking questions friends. and All in the famous person
• Use Really' to show missing words
interest or surprise
Checkpoint Units 1-3 pages 31-32
• Say more than yes or no Casual conversations Are you like on average A typical week Do you have the same Verbs, verbs, verbs
when you answer a • Listen and match the American? • Write about a media habits? • Draw and label simple
question correct response • Read an article about classmate's typical week • Pair work: Compare pictures of new
• Start answers with Well Teen habits the habits of an average for a class website media habits with young vocabulary
if you need time to think • Listen to an interview American • Use capital letters and adults in the United
or if the answer isn't a with an average periods States
simple yes or no
American teenager
• Ask questions in two What do they soy next? Do You Need a Technology Technology and yau Favorite free-time Do what? Go where?
ways to be clear and not • Listen and guess the diet? • Write a reply to an email activities • Write verbs with the
too direct questions people • Read an article about asking for • Pair work: Make guesses words you use after
• Use I mean to repeat answer technology addicts technology advice about a classmate's them
your ideas or to say Using phones • Link ideas with and and free-time activities
more • Listen to how people use but
their cell phones
• Use Me too or Me neither What's on this weekend? The Village City guide Find the difference A time and a place . ..
to show things in • Listen to a radio show • Read a travel guide to • Write a city guide • Pair work: List the • Link times of day with
common for times and places of New York • Use prepositions for differences between two activities
• Respond with Right or events time and place: between neighborhoods
I know to agree or show Where to go? through, at, on, far, and
you are listening • Listen for decisions from ... to.
made in conversations.
then react to statements
Checkpoint Units 4-6 pages 63-64