Page 12 - Inside Writing (demo)
P. 12

lll@f\ij;ij@thij STEP 1:  Word  Level

            The noun stress is "a feeling of being worried." Stress is usually caused by a
            specific problem.

               Too  much homework causes stress because students feel they cannot finish it all.
               The soccer team felt a lot of stress before the championship game.

            The adjective stressful means "causing someone to feel worried."
               lt was stressful when we were losing the basketball game.

             A.  Read the paragraph. Complete the sentences with stress or stressful.
                 Compare your answers with a partner.

                 Preparing for an important soccer game can be (1) -----=s:...:.'""e::....:s:.::s;.;_;::_ul'----
                 First, you may worry that you will lose. This causes (2) ________ _

                 Second, before the game, you have to practice hard. This also makes

                 you feel (3) - - --- - - - · Finally, the end of the game is often

                 (4) ---------·Sometimes the score is close, so anyone can win.

            The noun team is "a group of people who play a  sport together."

               Our school has the best soccer team in the city.
               The  national swim team won a gold medal at the international championship.

            B.  Work with a partner. Use the words below to tell what kind of team each
                sentence describes. Take turns reading your sentences out loud.

                   home          national        ··soccer .      "'sehoof  ,,

              1.  The athletes that play for your school are called the _  _:s:.::cc:.:hc:::oc:::o.:....::.:te""'a::..:.m.:..:...__

             2.  A ---------- -                needs people who can run fast.

             3.  The team playing in its own city or country is called the

             4.  In the  Olympics, your country is represented  by the

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