Page 31 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 31
*>)1.54 Match the underlined words in texts A-C
WORD STORE 2E | Food adjective?) 9 ______
with the definitions. Then listen, check and repeat.
4D1.53 Complete WORD STORE 2E with the words in
1 an occasion when you eat food, e.g. breakfast =
blue in texts A-C. Then listen, check and repeat.
7 Complete the statements with the words in WORD 2 fresh food that people prepare and serve on the
STORE 2E. street = ___________
1 I like vegetarian food because it doesn't have any meat 3 food prepared and cooked in a certain way =
or fish in it.
2 I always say food is___________when it tastes very good. 4 a food or drink that a person or restaurant is well
3 Pizza is a ___________Italian food. It's a recipe from that known for, that you can't always get in other places
4 I don't like________ food because it has a hot strong taste.
10 SPEAKING Discuss the questions.
5 I only eat___________fish. It's the best way to cook it!
1 Where do you usually go out for a meal with your
6 I enjoy eating___________fruit because it isn't old.
7 My parents never buy___________ food from places
2 What's your mum's speciality?
near our home.
3 What's your favourite dish?
8 SPEAKING Are the sentences in Exercise 7 true for you? 4 Do you like street food?
Tell a partner.
No, I don't like like vegetarian food because ...
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La Merced
What: La Merced is a huge market in Mexico City and the main
focus is food. You can also buy other goods, such as shoes or
kitchen equipment. This is not a place to visit in a hurry - the
market is inside a huge building and it’s easy to get lost. There
are plenty of places to eat street food inside. It’s cheap and
popular with local people as well as tourists.
Don’t miss: Try specialities like mole (a sauce) and
quesadillas (a type of thin bread filled with cheese).
You can get vegetarian or meat quesadillas.
How to get there: It’s a short walk
from the main tourist area or take
the metro to Merced (line 1).
When: Open daily 5 a.m. - 7 p.m.