Page 27 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 27

Go to WORD STORE 2 page 5

    5  Read Jack's text message and answer the
                                                       W O RD  STORE  2A |  Food containers^
                                                           *1)1.41  Complete WORD STORE 2A with the names
       1  Who is the message for?
                                                           of containers in  Exercise 4.
       2  Why does Jack invite Tom?
       3  What does Jack want his mum to prepare?       7  Choose the correct option.
                                                           1  There is a (pottle)/ can of ketchup on the table.
                                                           2  I've got a bag /  bar of chocolate in  my bag.
                                                           3  Is that your packet /  tub of crisps?
                                                           4  Please buy a  carton /  can of milk and some bread.
                                                           5  Let's open that tin /  jar of honey and eat some for

                                                       W O RD  STORE  2B  Food  products^)
                                                           *1)1.42 Complete WORD STORE 2B with the names
                                                           of food  products in the box. Then listen, check and

                                                           *i)1.43  Look at the photos in  Exercise  5  and decide
                                                           what food  products Jack needs to  buy.  Use the
                                                           words in WORD STORE  2B. Then  listen and check.
                                                        10  C.B1KE1  Complete the sentences from the dialogue
                                                           with one word in each gap.  Listen again and check.
                                                           1  For the brownies, we need a  packet of  butter  ,
                                                             a  packet of flour and a carton o f________ .
                                                           2  Jack:  What about________ ? You always use
                                                             a  lot of it.
                                                             Mum:  Yes, get two bars.
                                                           3  Jack:  What else?
     Mum, we have a big test next week. Can Tom come
                                                             Mum:  A packet of cocoa and a  bag o f________ .
     tomorrow so we can study together? Can he stay for    4  For spaghetti  Bolognese, get a packet of spaghetti,
     dinner too? Your spaghetti Bolognese and brownies       a jar o f________ sauce.  No, make it two jars, all
     are the best!! ©  What do I have to get from the shop?  right? A bottle o f________ and a packet o f______
                                                       W O R D  STORE  2C  Phrases related to food)>
                                                           *1)1.44 Complete WORD STORE 2C with the phrases
                                                           in  red in the sentences. Then listen, check and repeat.
                                                           1  We don't have any ingredients.
                                                           2  Make a snack for Lena and yourself.
                                                           3  Get a takeway from the Chinese restaurant.
                                                           4  Have some ice cream for dessert.

                                                        12  SPEAKING  Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
                                                           Compare with the rest of the class.
                                                           1  Do you invite friends to study together?
                                                             How often?
                                                           2  What do you usually eat when your friends come?
                                                           3  What do you need to prepare the food? Name as
                                                             many ingredients as you can.
                                                           4  What's your favourite snack?
                                                           5  Do you ever get a takeaway for dinner? Where do you
                                                            get it from?
                                                           6  What do you usually have for dessert?
                                                           My room is very small, so I don't often invite friends
                                                           to study -  maybe once a month, or when we can use
                                                           my sister's room.  When my friends come,  we often get
                                                           a pizza.

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