Page 24 - Inside Writing (demo)
P. 24
Some signal words show the relationship between ideas. These words can show
that two ideas are different, which means that they contrast. Other signal words
connect events to their results, or consequences. Finally, some signal words
introduce examples.
I felt tired earlier. However,ci feel ready to Wor k now.·
The trees are dying beccause the forestis dry.
Consequence ' .,
We made a map of the forest. As a result, we djdn't get lost on our hike.·
Some trees lose their leaves in the faiC ForJ~xample, the leaves of the
oak tree turn brown in September and fall off in October or November.
A. Read the report on pages 16-17 again. Circle the signal words from the chart.
Underline the phrases that the signal words are contrasting, connecting, or
B. Work with a partner. Write the sentence or phrase from the writing model that
answers each question below.
1. What sentence or phrase contrasts with this statement?
However, the rings that grew after 1931 were mostly wide and even.
The tree didn't have enough water to grow well.
2. What sentence or phrase shows the consequence of this statement?
The damage caused some trees to die.
3. What sentence has an example to support the following statements?
Researchers make conclusions based on the rings. They can tell how well
the tree grew.
4. What sentence or phrase contrasts with this idea?
One conclusion from this report is that a fire may kill some trees.
18 UNIT 2