Page 23 - Inside Writing (demo)
P. 23

However, the rings that grew after 1931 were      Important Events in the Life of the Douglas Fir
                  mostly wide and even. Lars concluded from this        1903                 Douglas fir
                  that the drought ended.                                                    planted
                     Another series of narrow rings grew on one
               30  side of the tree in 1975. From these rings, Lars
                  concluded that something pushed on the tree.
                  He thinks that other trees were probably
                  growing too close to the fir tree. This caused
                  overcrowding and poor growth. The narrow
                                                                   1927-1931  -{ }-          Drought
               35  rings continued for 13 years.
                     Then the rings show another major event. A
                 series of major fires in 1988 covered much of
                  the forest. From this time period, the trees in the
                  area have visible scars from the fire in their
               40  rings. The scars look like dark, uneven marks.
                     Interestingly, after 1988, the rings of the
                  Douglas fir show good growth. Lars believes the
                  trees in the section around the fir tree had
                  major damage. The damage caused some trees
               45  to die. As a result, there were fewer trees.
                  Because there were fewer trees, the trees that        1975                 Overcrowding
                  did not die could grow better.
                     Today wildfires are a major problem. People
                  continue to look for ways to stop them from
                                                                        1988                 Major forest fires
               5o  happening. One conclusion from this report is
                 that a fire may kill some trees, but this may help
                 other trees to grow. In addition, when  trees
                 aren't so close together, fires can't spread as
                 quickly. How did the Douglas fir survive the
               55  fire? This will be the topic of Lars's next
                 research. •

                  2  overcrowding: having too much of something; being too full

                                                                                          READING  THE  RINGS
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