Page 19 - Inside Writing (demo)
P. 19
lndept~ndent Writing
A. Choose an exercise routine you can explain to others. lt can be a real routine that
you do regularly or a routine that you think would be helpful for your audience.
Name of routine: ________________________ _
B. Brainstorm activities in your routine and complete the idea map below. Fill in
the idea map with the target audience, equipment needed, health benefits, and
goals of the routine.
audience benefits
Action verbs can help
equipment goals
explain exactly how to
do an exercise. Include
action verbs so the
instructions are easy
to follow.
C. Circle the action verbs in the box that you can use in your exercise routine.
cool down lift pull run walk
hold lower raise stand warm up
D. Write an introduction that describes the goals, benefits, equipment, and
audience for your routine. Complete the paragraph below as a guide.
The goal of this routine is to (1) --------------- --- -
It is best for people who (2) ----------- ------- --
One benefit of the routine is that it (3) --- - - --- --------
It also (4) --------------- - - ----· To do it, you
need (5) ____________________________________ ___
E. Write your exercise routine to post on a health and fitness website. Use your
ideas from activities A through D. Remember to include action verbs and the
target vocabulary from page 1.
STAYING HEALTHY 13 :: : :: : ::