Page 12 - Our World 1 (2nd Edition AmE demo)
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        Our World Lesson Planner                                                                                                    Our World Starter Flashcards
           The Lesson Planner with Student’s Book Audio CD and DVD provides everything needed to successfully                          The Flashcards include all target vocabulary. Printable Mini Flashcards are available on the
        plan, teach, and supplement lessons.                                                                                        Teacher’s Website.

                   COLORS AND NUMBERS  COLORS AND NUMBERS       •  3  Play TR: 1.6. Have students count the pencils as they listen.   BE THE EXPERT
                   Objectives         1  Listen and point. Say. TR: 1.4  Pause the audio after number 3. Model tracing the number 3   Teacher Tip
                    Students will                                on p. 15. Then, have students do it. Walk around the room to   Practice number and counting skills during class,
                    • identify and name things that are green    make sure students are holding their pencils correctly. Continue   even when numbers are not the focus of a day’s
                    and yellow.          green   yellow          playing TR: 1.6, and have students do the same for the   lesson. For example, have children count the
                    • count up to four items.                    number 4.              number of objects needed for an activity. Have

                   Colors  green, yellow  2  Listen and color. TR: 1.5                  children find and name numbers in print. Read
                                                                                        books and sing songs that include numbers.
                   Numbers  3 (three), 4 (four)  1.  2.  3.     Practice                Children learn numbers and become comfortable
                   Recycling  1 (one), 2 (two), red, blue       •  2  Give each child red, blue, green, and yellow crayons. Say   using them through practice.
                                               yellow  blue                                                                                                                                                    Poster Sets
                   Resources  Classroom Presentation Tool;   4.  5.  6.  Listen. Color the crayons. Play TR: 1.5. Pause after the fi rst
                    Flashcards 13, 18–22; Unit 1 Cutouts;        item, and say Green crayon. It’s green. Continue playing, and
                    TR: 1.4–1.8; Video Sc. 3; Activity Worksheet 1.3;   green  red  yellow  pause after number 2. Ask What color? (yellow) Say Color the
                    Workbook p. 7, Workbook Audio TR: 1.4–1.6;   crayon yellow. Continue playing TR: 1.5. Walk around the room
                    Online Practice   3  Listen. Count and say. Trace. TR: 1.6  to check students’ work.                                                                                                         Eight full-color Posters bring
                   Materials  red, blue, green, and yellow crayons;
                    four pencils; scissors; green and yellow   3 3 3 3  4 4 4  •  4  Show students the colored pencils on p. 15. Ask What colors
                    construction paper                           do you see? (yellow, blue, green, red) Say Listen. Play TR: 1.7.                                                                              beautiful photography into the

                                                                 Pause after the first question. Repeat the question How many
                                                                 green pencils? Then, say Let’s count! Count the green pencils as
                                                                 a class. (four) Continue the audio, pausing after each item to                                                                                classroom and reinforce the unit
                                                                 have students count and say the number.
                                      4  Listen. Count and say. TR: 1.7
                                                                Apply                                                                                                                                          themes.
                                                                •  5  Show students the cutouts on p. 91 of their books. Give
                                                                 students scissors to cut out each item. Then, play TR: 1.8.
                                                                 Pause after the first item, and repeat it (a green eraser). Model

                                      four green pencils / three yellow pencils / one red pencil / two blue pencils
                                                                 placing the eraser cutout in the green box. Continue playing
                                      5  Listen and say. Cut out the cards in the back of the   the audio. Pause after each item to allow students time to
                                       book. Listen. Put the cards in the boxes. Say. TR: 1.8  choose the correct card and place it in the box. When students

                                                         15      finish, call on them to say what items they placed in each box.
                   Warm Up          Present
                   • Motivate and focus  Get students ready   •  1  Say You know red and blue. Today we will learn new colors.   • Teach students the following chant:
                    to use English using the English Time chant   Play TR: 1.4. Have students point to each color as they hear it.   Blue, red, yellow, green,
                    (p. 18).         Then, have students name each of the colors.  How many colors have we seen?
                   • Recycle  Hold up one blue crayon. Ask   • Say Show me green. Have students hold up or point to   First, say the chant two or three times, while students just

                    How many? (one) Then ask What color?   something green. Then say Show me yellow. Have students   listen. Have students repeat the first line a few times, and
                    (blue) Note: If students need the extra   hold up or point to something yellow.   then the second line. Then, have students say the entire
                    support, instead ask Red or blue? Repeat     chant. Repeat it until students are comfortable saying it. Ask
                    this with one red crayon, two blue crayons,   • Hold up one pencil and ask How many? Then, hold up two   How many colors have we seen? If students cannot answer
                    and two red crayons.  pencils and ask the question again. Write the numbers 1 and 2   four, count the colors together. Say Blue, one. Red, two. Yellow,   Workbook and Online Practice
                                     on the board. Then, write the number 3. Hold up a third pencil,   three. Green, four.  Colors and Numbers
                   • Give each student two blue crayons   and say Three. Three pencils. Have students repeat. Then,                    Children make moon cakes
                    and two red crayons. Call out different   write the number 4. Hold up a fourth pencil, and say Four. Four   Wrap Up      Formative Assessment  in Kaifeng City, China.
                    combinations, and have students show   pencils. Have students repeat.
                    them to you. For example, say Show me       • Say Good job today, class. Now let’s chant. Lead the class in   Can students  ©2020 Cengage Learning, Inc.
                    two red crayons or Show me one red           the Goodbye chant (p. 18).  • identify and name things that are green
                    crayon and one blue crayon. Choose                                   and yellow?
                    students to call out color and number       Review                   Hold up the pencil and crayon flashcards. Have

                    combinations.                                                        students name the colors they see.          OW2e_Posters_L_Starter_39427.indd   1                                 11/06/2019   11:55
                                                                • For additional practice, direct students to Activity Worksheet 1.3.  • count to find the quantity of items?

                                                                                         Place three pens and four books on the table.
                                                                                         Have children count and say how many there
                                                                                         are of each item.
                   40  Unit 1                                                               Colors and Numbers  41
                                                                                                                                    Our World Phonics Teacher’s Guide
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        The Lesson Planner includes:                                                                                                   The Our World Phonics Teacher’s Guide provides everything needed to
                                                                                                                                    successfully plan, teach, and supplement lessons in Our World Phonics 1, 2,
            • a Professional Development section that introduces key principles of the program                                      and 3, including:
            • a detailed Scope and Sequence                                                                                             • a detailed Scope & Sequence

            • simplified step-by-step instructions for carrying out lessons                                                              •  complete lesson plans, including Warm Ups, detailed lesson
            • reduced Student’s Book pages with answers at point-of-use                                                                   instruction, interactive Extend activities, and Wrap Ups
            • Student and Workbook audio scripts                                                                                        • an audio CD for each level of Our World Phonics.
            • Extension activities to supplement the Student’s Book, including instructions to use the Worksheets
              found on the Teacher’s Website
            • Teaching tips and professional development at point of use
                                                                                                                                       The ExamView© Assessment Suite includes activity banks to generate customized unit quizzes,
            • Formative Assessment suggestions                                                                                      mastery tests, final exams, and a placement test, and is available through the Teacher’s Website.

            • A handy Pacing Guide key to accommodate classrooms with a range of instruction time
           The Our World DVD and Student’s Book Audio CD contain all of the multimedia to support the
        Student’s Book instruction.
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