Page 9 - Uncover (demo)
P. 9

Accuracy and
               Writing          Reading             Video             fluency            Speaking outcomes

          ■   An article about   ■   Art You Can   ■   Fishing in Japan  ■   Linking vowel   I can . . .
             a special meal     Eat!           ■   What do you     sounds with an    ■   identify different kinds of food.
                             ■   Reading to      usually have for   ■   Not using much
                                                                                     ■   ask and answer questions
                                write: Let’s     lunch?            in affirmative
                                                                                       about food.
                                Celebrate!     ■   Dabbawallas     sentences
                             ■   Culture: Chino   ■   Mountains                      ■   talk about quantities of food
                                Meets Latino     of Rice                               and meals.
                                                 (CLIL Project                       ■   order food in a restaurant.
                                                 p. 118)                             ■   talk about food and culture.

          ■   A description of   ■   Animal Actions   ■   Shark Attack!  ■   Irregular plural   I can . . .
             an animal          Quiz           ■   Do you like     words for animals  ■   identify different animals.
                             ■   Reading to      going to        ■   Different g
                                write: All about   museums?        sounds: going     ■   ask and answer questions about
                                Hippos         ■   Animals in the   ■   Verbs usually   animals’ actions.
                             ■   Culture:        City              used in the       ■   talk about my favorite zoo animal.
                                Huskies: The   ■   Chameleons      simple present,   ■   ask for and give directions.
                                Inuit’s Best     (CLIL Project     not the present   ■   talk about how animals help
                                Friend           p. 119)           continuous          people.

          ■   An email about   ■   Pompeii     ■   Rome: Ancient   ■   Different sounds   I can . . .
             a place         ■   Reading to      and Modern        for -ed endings:   ■   talk about places in my city or
                                write: My trip to   ■   Where do you   /t/, /d/, /ɪd/  town.
                                Puebla           usually go with   ■   Using were after   ■   ask and answer questions about
                             ■   Culture:        your friends?     singular subjects   the past.
                                Getting Around   ■   Crossing Cities  when they’re part   ■   describe past events and
                                in Hong Kong                       of a list           activities.
                                                                                     ■   share exciting news and
                                                                                     ■   talk about transportation and
                                                                                       how I get to school.

          ■   A biography of   ■   Sumo Giants  ■   The Palio    ■   Using some      I can . . .
             an athlete      ■   Reading to    ■   What’s your     words for sports   ■   identify different sports and
                                write: A Teen    favorite sport    as both nouns       activities.
                                Athlete          and why?          and verbs         ■   ask and answer yes/no questions
                             ■   Culture: Ye   ■   The Bowler    ■   Reduction of did   about past events.
                                Olde English                       you to /dɪdʒə/    ■   ask and answer Wh- questions
                                Faire                            ■   Using did (not do)   about past events.
                                                                   in past tense     ■   express interest in what
                                                                   Wh- questions
                                                                                       someone is saying.
                                                                                     ■   talk about traditional sports

          ■   An email about   ■   Wish You Were   ■   City of Water  ■   Reduction of   I can . . .
             a vacation         Here           ■   Where do you    going to to /gənə/  ■   talk about weather, seasons,
                             ■   Reading to      like going on   ■   Remembering       and months.
                                write: My Trip   vacation?         the apostrophe    ■   discuss vacation plans.
                                to Brazil      ■   Alaska!         in let’s          ■   describe different landforms and
                             ■   Culture:      ■   Big Art                             places to visit.
                                Canada: Land     (CLIL Project                       ■   make suggestions.
                                of Surprises     p. 120)
                                                                                     ■   share interesting facts about my

           Irregular verbs p. 121

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