Page 5 - Complete IELTS 4_WB Demo (Cambridge)
P. 5

Writing                            Vocabulary and Spelling             Grammar

         Writing Task 1                      • Collocations and prepositional phrases  Present simple and present
         • Describing pie charts and bar charts  • Key vocabulary               continuous
         • Selecting key features            • Spelling: Making nouns plural
         • Using accurate data
         Writing Task 2                      • Working out the meanings of words  Past simple
         • Analysing the task                • Key vocabulary
         • Planning an answer                • Spelling: Changes when adding -ed
         • Writing an introduction
         • Using linkers: also, and, but and however

         Writing Task 1                      • make and cause                   Making comparisons with
         • Describing tables and charts      • Key vocabulary                   adjectives and adverbs
         • Comparing data and selecting key points  • Spelling: Changes when adding -er and
         • Writing in paragraphs              -est to adjectives
         Writing Task 2                      • What type of word is it? 1       Present perfect
         • To what extent do you agree or disagree?  • Key vocabulary
         • Brainstorming ideas               • Spelling: Using and misusing double
         • Organising your ideas              letters
         Writing Task 1                      • What type of word is it? 2       Countable and uncountable nouns
         • Summarising two charts            • Prepositions in time phrases
         • Comparing bar charts              • Words that give directions
         • Grouping information              • Key vocabulary
                                             • Spelling: Small words often misspelled
         Writing Task 2                      • Word building                    Zero and first conditionals (if/ unless)
         • Answering a single question       • Key vocabulary
         • Planning an answer                • Spelling: Suffixes

         Writing Task 1                      • raise or rise?                   Prepositions to describe graphs
         • Describing trends                 • Key vocabulary
         • Using verb and noun phrases       • Spelling: Forming adverbs from adjectives
         • Writing an overview
         Writing Task 2                     • tourism or tourist?               Relative pronouns: who, which, that, where
         • Answering two questions           • Key vocabulary
         • Analysing the task                • Spelling:  Introductory and linking phrases
         • Writing a conclusion
         Writing Task 1                      • effect, benefit,  advantage, disadvantage  The passive
         • Summarising a diagram            • Key vocabulary                    Sequencers
         • Planning an answer               • Spelling: Some common mistakes
         • Ordering the information
         • Comparing two diagrams
         Writing Task 2                      • Word choice                      Modal verbs
         • Discussing opposing views and giving  • Guessing the meaning of words
           your opinion                     • Improving vocabulary use
         • Analysing the task and brainstorming  • Key vocabulary
           ideas                             • Spelling: Proofing your essay for common
         • Structuring an answer              spelling mistakes
         • Proofing an answer for spelling and
           punctuation mistakes

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