Page 4 - Complete IELTS 4_WB Demo (Cambridge)
P. 4

• Table completion                 • Form completion
                                                 Reading 2: A city survey with a difference
                                                 • Note completion

             2  People's lives                   Reading 1: Patrick Malone          Listening: Preparing for'a magazine interview
                                                 • Flow-chart completion            • Predicting the answers
                                                 Reading 2: Sylvia Earle, Underwater hero  • Note completion
                                                 • Short-answer questions
                                                 • True / False / Not Given
             3  Getting from A to B              Reading 1:  The Boeing 787         Listening: Information about a train journey
                                                 • Labelling a diagram              • Labelling a diagram
                                                 Reading 2: Pedestrians only        • Multiple choice
                                                 • Matching headings                  Listening for synonyms and paraphrases

             4  It was all new once              Reading 1:  The ballpoint pen      Listening: Market research interview
                                                 • Multiple choice                    Sentence completion
                                                 Reading 2  Marcel Bich             • Pick from a list
                                                 • Summary completion

             5 Animal world                      Reading 1:  The honey badger       Listening: Information about a college event
                                                 • Sentence completion              • Table completion
                                                 Reading 2: On the trail of the honey badger  • Labelling a plan
                                                 • Pick from a list

             6 Being human                       Reading 1 : Breaking the habit     Listening: Things that make people happy
                                                 • Yes/ No/ Not Given               • Matching
                                                 Reading 2: Fighting fear using virtual reality  • Pick from a list
                                                 • Summary completion with a box

             7  Literacy skills                  Reading: Graphic novels            Listening: Applying for tickets to a book fair
                                                 • Matching information             • Form completion
                                                 • Table completion                 • Multiple choice

             8 Tourist attractions               Reading: Holidays with a difference   Listening: Tour guide giving information
                                                 • Summary completion               • Sentence completion
                                                 • Matching features                • Table completion

             9  Every drop counts                Reading:  The rain makers          Listening: A tutor and a student talking
                                                  Matching headings                   about an essay
                                                 • Sentence completion              • Matching
                                                 • Pick from a list                 • Flow-chart completion

            10 Building design                   Reading:  The man who ttied to destroy Pa1is   Listening: A talk on the Beijing Olympic
                                                 • Multiple choice                    stadium
                                                 • Matching sentence endings        • Note completion
                                                 • Yes / No / Not Given

         0 Map of the units
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