Page 63 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 63

1  Read the text and decide which restaurant A-C
                                                         REMEMBER THIS
     is best for customers 1-4.  One customer doesn't have
     a suitable restaurant.
                                                         The word meal means everything we eat, e.g. for breakfast
     1  'I  love hot food from China and India.  I'd  like
                                                         or dinner. Some meals, e.g. dinner, consist of courses, e.g.
        to try food from a different country in Asia.'   Q
                                                         soup, meat and vegetables, dessert. The word ingredients
     2  'I don't eat meat. I think it is wrong to kill animals for
                                                         means the food items a particular dish is made from, e.g.
        food. I don't even like seeing other people eat meat.' Q
                                                         to make spaghetti bolognese or Yorkshire pudding (a dish)
     3  'I  love traditional  English breakfasts with
                                                         we need cheese and tomatoes, or flour, milk and eggs
        sausages, bacon and fried eggs.'         Q
     4  'I  haven't got a job.  I  have a lot of time in the
        middle of the day but I haven't got money for food.'  Q
                                                       5  Read  REMEMBER THIS.  Put the words in  bold from
  2  Read the text again.  Match questions 1-9 with       the text on page 28 under the correct heading.
     the restaurants. Write  DWD (Der Weiner Deewan),
                                                           Meals of the day Courses   Dishes  Ingredients
     SK (Soul  Kitchen) or LAA (Lentil As Anything).
     Where  ...
     1  do they grow some of the food they serve?   ______
     2  do they use recipes from different countries?   ______
     3  can you  pay for your food or work?    ______
     4  can you choose from four restaurants with
                                                       WORD STORE 2E |  Food  adjectives
        the same name?                         ______
     5  can you  play music?                   ______  6  Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
     6  can you eat at any time of the day?    ______     The first letters are given.
     7  can you get a three-course meal?       ______
                                                             I  love this restaurant. The waiters are polite and the
     8  can you  put the food you want on your plate?  ______
                                                             food is d elicious.
     9  can't you eat meat?                    ______
                                                          1  This bread is very f___________ .  It's still warm.
  3  Look at the underlined verbs +  prepositions in the   2  I don't eat meat. What v___________ dishes do you
     text. Then complete the sentences with the verbs
     from the box.                                        3  Can  I  have a glass of water, please? This curry is very
                                                             s___________ !
       chat   eat   go (x2)   listen   pay   play  I      4  I'm sorry, we don't have rice. We only serve
                                                             I___________ food and we don't grow rice in this
        You can  eat in a cafe or restaurant.
     1  You can_________ for your meal with cash or a credit
                                                          5  I  hope you like this.  It's a t___________ meal from my
                                                             country.  My grandmother always cooks it when  I go
     2  People_________ to music on  MP3 players and CDs.
                                                             home to visit.
     3  There is a cafe and a  restaurant in the building.
                                                          6  I don't like fried food, especially meat.  I  prefer it
        You_________ up some stairs to the cafe and down
                                                             g___________ - it's healthier.
        some other stairs to the restaurant.
     4  I often_________ to my friends on my computer.  VOCABULARY PRACTICE |  Food                ,
        We use Skype.
                                                       7  Look at the vocabulary in lesson 2.4 in the Students'
     5  After school,  I sometimes_________ for a pizza or
                                                          Book. Complete the sentences with one word in each
        a hot dog with my friends.
                                                          gap. The first letters are given.
     6  My brother is in a band and sometimes he lets me
        _________ the guitar with them. 4                 There are some strange foods that people eat. Are they


                                                          tasty? Read on to find out.
  4  Complete the sentences with the correct verbs and    There are some very unusual d___________ in countries
     prepositions from Exercise 3.  Use the correct form   around the world.  In  Iceland, for example, a famous
     of the verbs.                                        s___________ is hakarl.  Hakarl  is shark meat that is dried.
        When I'm on holiday, I always eat in small,  local   It smells terrible!  But it tastes much better than it smells,
        restaurants.                                      they say.
     1  I've got the chance to _________ the guitar______some  In Cambodia -  a country in Southeast Asia - a very popular
        really good musicians.                            s___________ f____________ is spiders. I've heard they
     2  Where do you want to ________________dinner?      taste like chicken. Would you like to eat hakarl or fried
     3  My dad always_______________ the meal when we go  spiders for your m___________ ?
        out to a restaurant with the whole family.
     4  To get to the toilet,________________the stairs and turn
     5  The tables in the restaurant are very big, so you can
        meet other people and________________them.
     6  Jan likes it when she can________________Spanish
        music in  real Spanish restaurants.

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