Page 61 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 61


                                                         REMEMBER THIS

                                                  J       In  English food names often consist of two words:
                                                          adjective + noun or two nouns (compound noun),
   1  Put the words in the correct order to make questions   e.g. a Spanish omelette (adj + n), a chocolate cake (n + n).
     1-4. Then complete the conversation with the
     questions in the correct places A-D.
                                                        2  Read  REMEMBER THIS. Look at the underlined words
        How / it / make / you / do                         1-5 in the text in  Exercise  1  and decide whether the
        How do you make it?                               words are adjectives (A) or nouns (N).
     1  need / many / you / do / How / eggs
                                                        3  Match the words 1-6 and a-f to make food  names.
                                                          Then complete the sentences with the correct food
     2  you / a healthy recipe / got / for / pancakes / Have
     3  do / What / need / you                                fruit  -                   a  sandwiches
                                                           1 birthday                    b oil
     4  so / you / the pancakes / make / do / OK, / how    2 hot             \>          c  flakes
                                                           3  olive           \          d dog
                                                           4 tomato              \       e  sauce
                                                           5  cheese and tomato          f  cake
    Extract from Students' Book recording  4>)1.45
                                                           6 corn                           pancakes
    Part 2                                                                             "  9
    KG: For the first recipe you just need eggs, potatoes    I love fruit pancakes.  My favourites are with
        and olive oil.  It's called a Spanish omelette.      strawberries. What are your favourite kinds?
    P:   How do you make it?                               1  When you have a ___________________ , do you put
    KG:  There are many different ways.  But this is how you   mustard or ketchup on  it?
        make a healthy Spanish omelette.  First, slice four   2  In  Italy, they often put___________________ on  bread.  I
        potatoes. Then boil the potatoes in some water.      know it's unhealthy, but I  prefer butter. Which do you
        After that, put the potatoes in a bowl, add some     prefer on your bread?
        eggs and mix together.                            3  Some people always call___________________ ketchup.
    P:   OK, so you mix all the ingredients. A _______________ ?  Do you put ketchup on a  lot of food?
    KG:  You need six eggs for four people. So, mix the   4  For lunch,  I often have two___________________ .
        eggs with the potatoes. Then put some olive (N)      Sometimes,  I  have ham.
        1oij (___) into a pan. Fry the omelette on both sides.  5  I  always have___________________ with  lots of milk on
        And that's it - your *1Spanish ( ___) 3omelette ( ____)  them for breakfast.

        is ready!  Eat it with some salad for a really healthy   6  Jenny: This is a lovely___________________ .Thank you.
        meal.                                                Mum: Well, it's a special day. You're eighteen. An adult.
    Extract from Students' Book recording 4i)1.47
                                                        WORD STORE 2D | Cooking verbs              '
    Part 3
                                                        4  Choose the correct option.
    P:   And what about dessert,  Kate? My favourite
        dessert is pancakes.  B ____________________?
    KG:  Yes,  I've got a very easy recipe for 4 5fruit ( ___)
                                                             1  Fry / Slice the omelette for one minute
        5pancakes ( ___).
                                                                on each side.
    P:   Cool. C ____________________?
    KG:  Some fruit, for example some bananas and
        strawberries. Then you need one cup of flour,             2  Mix / Chop the fruit into small
        one cup of milk and one egg.  Plus some oil.                 pieces and put them into a bowl.
    P:   OK, so bananas, strawberries, flour,  milk, an egg
        and oil. What do you do?
                                                           3  Boil / Fry the potatoes in some water for
    KG:  First you chop the fruit and then you make the
                                                              about 25 minutes.
    P:   D ____________________?
                                                                 4   Slice / Mix the eggs with the potatoes,
    KG:  You mix the flour, milk
                                                                    then add salt and pepper.
        and the egg together.
        Then you put some oil
        into a pan. When it is                             5  Chop / Fry the meat for about 5 minutes.
        hot, you put some of                                  Be careful  not to let it burn.
        the mixture into the
        pan and make a pancake. You fry it on both sides.
                                                             6  Slice / Boil the cheese thinly and put it
        Take it out of the pan and put the fruit on top.        on the bread.

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