Page 50 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 50

                                                            1  Read the text quickly and choose the best title.
                                                               A  I  love my long holidays at home         □
                      Working away from  home                                                               □
                                                               B  Life is difficult when my husband comes home
                      •  phrasal verbs and  collocations                                                   □
                      • daily routine                          C  This is not the right job for me

                                                                             help  her  with  shopping,  cooking,
                                                                             cleaning and checking homework.
                                                                             She  is  very  strict,  so  the  children
                                                                             help with the housework, go to bed
                                                                             at nine o’clock and get up for school
                                                                             without  any  problems.  Theresa
                                                                             prepares  dinners  in  advance  and
                                                                             makes  the  most  of  every  hour
                                                                             of  the  day.  Then,  Arthur  comes
                                                                             home.  He  ignores  the  normal
                                                                             bedtimes because he  wants  to  tell
                                                                             his  children  stories  and play with
                                                                             them.  The  children  stop  doing
                                                                             housework  and,  because  they  go
                                                                             to  bed  late,  they  are  tired  when
         Arthur lives in  Portsmouth with  his wife and three
                                                                             they  get  up  in  the  morning.
         children.  He  has a good job  but  he  isn’t happy. Arthur is      Of  course,  Theresa  understands
         the captain  of a  large tanker.  He  loves ships and the sea       and is pleased to see her family so
         and  is good at  his job.  He earns a  lot of money and  has        happy, but it takes a week or more
                                                                             to  get  life  back  to  normal  when
         a  lot of free tim e at work to study languages and  write.
                                                                             Arthur goes back to sea.
         So what’s the  problem?
                                                                             Now,  Arthur  wants  to  find  a job
                                                                             on land but he knows it isn’t easy.
         Arthur  has  a  ‘three  months  on   missed  and  they  sometimes  have   What can a ship’s captain do when
         -  two months  off  contract,  which   Christmas  dinner  in  November   he isn’t on a ship? Arthur’s dream
         means that he goes to sea for three   or  January  but  there  is  always   is to be a writer of children’s books
         months and then has two months'   a feeling of sadness that they can’t   and work from home. This  dream
         holiday. This means that some years   happen at the right time.     cheers  him  up  when  he  is  on  the
         he  isn’t  at  home  for  Christmas,   Life  is  also  difficult  for  his  wife,   other  side  of  the  world  and  still   ■
         some  years  he  is  away  during  the   Theresa.  She  is  a teacher and,  for   has two months before he sees his
         summer  holidays  and  every  year   three  months,  has  no  husband  to  family again.
        he  misses  someone’s  birthday,
         school  shows  and  other  special
         days.  His  children  are  twelve,  ten
         and  six  and  they  grow  quickly
         at that age.
        When  Arthur  comes  home,  the
         children  spend  a  day  or  two  just
        looking at him and trying to think
        of what to say. The last week of his
        leave is filled with tears. There are
        also  good  times.  The  family  have
        parties  to  celebrate  any  birthdays

      &a s s a s a
        tanker (n)- a large ship that carries   leave (n) - time that you are allowed   strict (adj) - expecting people to obey rules
        oil                            to spend away from your work     or to do what you say

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