Page 49 - Focus 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 49
Some words have more than one meaning.
Complete gaps 1-3 with the phrases from the box.
There are three extra phrases. A to move very fast, by moving your legs faster than
when you walk, e.g. run a marathon, run to school
can you describe your can you do
B to organise or be in charge of an activity, business,
int to know what are you what do you
organisation, or country, e.g. run a company
what does your what's your
A to send a letter, package, etc. by post, e.g. post
Extract from Students' Book recording *>)1.28
a birthday card to your aunt
Reporter: It's Friday afternoon and I want to know
what people do at the weekend. B to put a message or computer document on
Hello.1_______________ name? the Internet so that other people can see it,
Simon: Hi, I'm Simon. e.g. post a comment on Facebook
Reporter: ________________typical weekend for our
4 Read REMEMBER THIS. Decide if the underlined word
Simon: Sure. My weekends are usually busy with
has meaning A or B.
football. I arun / walk a football club for
children in my area. I bbus / coach the kids 1 Can you post this letter for me, please?____
2 My teacher wants me to run the school
on Saturdays. It's really nice to watch them
chess club.____
- they have a lot of fun and the exercise is
3 I run two kilometres every day before school. __
good for them. Then on Sunday mornings,
4 Can you show me how to post a video
I play with my local team. It's the football
on YouTube?____
season, so I also watch football on TV or on
the Internet. I really love my weekends.
WORD STORE 1D | Prepositions and nouns
Lena: My name's Lena. 5 Complete the dialogue with the correct
Reporter: Hello Lena.3___________________ do at the prepositions in, on or at.
weekend? Ray: Hi Emily, do you want to go for a coffee?
Lena: Well, every weekend, I go to a different part Emily: No, thanks. It's Saturday. I play sports on
of the city and ctake / make hundreds of Saturday.
photos. I photograph people, places and Ray Do you do a lot of exercise?
situations - anything that looks interesting or Emily: Well, 1______a typical weekday, I run before I go
r unusual. In the evening, I dlook at / watch the to school.
pictures on my computer and esend / post Ray: Even 2______Monday mornings? I
the best ones on Facebook. A lot of people Emily: Yes, every day.3______the weekend, I play
f discuss/ comment on the photos. It's really tennis 4______the afternoon.
interesting. You can see them there. Ray: I know why you don't run 5______Saturday or
Sunday morning. You're the same as me. You
sleep a lot and eat breakfast6______noon 7_____
2 Choose the correct verbs a-f in Exercise 1.
the weekend.
Emily: No, I eat breakfast at 8 o'clock 8______the
3 Complete the dialogue with the verbs in italics from
morning but I go for a walk after that.
Exercise 1.
Ray: Oh wow! Do you run 9______night too?
Paul: I work in a restaurant, but in my free time, Emily: Not often! I sometimes run 10 *______the evening
I 1__________a photography club. but only in the summer when it's light and
Stuart: Really? warm. What about you? Do you run?
Paul: Yes. 12__________ a lot of photos of sports Ray: Sometimes 11______midnight when Mum and
events. Do you want to 3__________them? Dad phone me and say 'It's late! Come home,
Stuart: OK. Where are they? now!' I don't really like sport. I like making
Paul: On the Internet. 14__________the photos on my videos. I post them 12______the Internet. You
website. Here they are. know. 13______video sharing sites.
Stuart: Very nice. Do people 5__________on them? Emily: I know. I don't watch videos online but I know
Paul: No, they can't. Not on my website but there some people like them. I sometimes watch films
are some in the local newspaper. 14______TV but not often. I just prefer doing
Stuart: Hey. 16__________ young children to play tennis. exercise. It's great. Run with me later.
Can you put some photos of us in the newspaper? Ray: Let's run now, to the pizza restaurant.
Paul: Of course. What time are the lessons?