Page 20 - Speak Now (demo)
P. 20

• Expressing likes

                                                                                     • Expressing dislikes

                 t I Vocabulary

                   A  What kinds of music do you like? Mark./ (I like) or X (I don't like).
                   __ opera       --pop          __ country         __ vocal              __ classical

                   __ blues       __ folk        __ cechno          __ heavy music        __ reggae

              • B  PAIR WORK  Tell your partner what kind of music you listen to.
                   A:  I listen co pop. I don't listen to heavy metal.
                   B:  I listen co techno. I don't listen co folk.

                2 I Conversation

             co, G) A  Listen. Does Peter like opera ? What kind of music do Peter and Sandra like?

                           Sandra, this is a new opera
                           group. Do you like them?

                         And I like some vocal, too .

              • B  PAIR WORK  Practice the conversation. Exchange the blue and green words with the words below
                                 and practice it again.
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