Page 6 - Got it! 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 6
Grammar Therc is I isn't, There are I
be Simple present 3 took at Sara and Frank's perfect rooms.
Complete the sentences with there is, there
1 Read the factfile. Then complete the sentences ore, there isntt. or there aren't.
about Eduardo. Use the affirmative or
negative form of the verb be.
Name: Edtrardo Ruiz
Age: lLt
Country: Brazil
School: Tle Arnerican
In Sara's oerfect bedroom f"here is a biq
Calleg of 5p 1_---
Paulo bed. a lot of posters on the walls,
too. z- a closet and a mirror, but
Favorite subjecl histor-y
3 a chair. And '
Friends: Taylor (&r'ericail, any shelves.
A/larkus (Grrwr)
Favorite bands: Parar"ro.e,
Maroo.r 5
Eduardo's surname &nt Ramos.
1 Eduardo _ 14.
2 Eduardo from the U.S.
3 Taylor and Markus Eduardo's
teachers. I
4 History his favorite school subject. In Frank's perfect living room 5- a big t
5 His friends - from the U.S. and Germany TV. 6- sofas, too, but 7
anv armchairs. shelves for qames
6 His favorite bands Linkin Park and "-
and DVDs, but e- a table,
Green Day.
E Write questions. Then answer the questions Oemonstratives; frrrs, tftat,
with information about you. ftrese, thase
What I your name?
What's vcur name? 4 Compfete the sentences with this, that,
these, or those.
1 How old / you?
2 Where / you from?
3 art / your favorite subject?
4 Who / your friends?
5 Paramore / your favorite band?
are my parents, Sally and Michael.
1 is my dog, Pugsy.
2 is my house.
3 boys are my brothers.
six I