Page 10 - Got it! 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 10

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            1 g * 1   r o e   .    , ' . : : : . : - , , , : : l l V h i c h  Lewis  And we're  playing  terriblY!
              competition is the band practicing for?     Dylan  Yes, we are.
              Dylan  Stco:  Slc:l \there's  ZacT  What's  he  Rosie  I know. Let's  practice now.  lt's getting late,
                     Co:r'cr                              Zac    Wait,  my phone is ringing again.
              Lewis  He s ci^ :.e  o.o.e. He's  talking  to hts  Rosie  What are  you  doing  now?
                     qi!':frrerc  ca,..                   Zac    I'm listening  to a message  from my
              Rosie  He ca's .er i'.'.,e.i.'/ i  'xes  a day  .  girlfriend,
              Dylan  ..  and  i-,e  s a,',';a.'s  aie for practicel  Dylan  I g ve upl  You re impossible. Zacl
               Ten  minutes  loter ..
              Zac    OK,  guys.  l n: re'e  : :: s rockl
              Dylan  Zac!  Are  yoLj  se.i:-s  :hrs
                     band?                                              '.:':.t.:.':  '
                                                                              ...  AnSWef the  queStiOnS.
              Zac    Yes,  I am,  This  :s  --'."            P  l--,-:ii:,,r'-':,
                                                                 Who is Zac talking  to orr the  Phone?
               Dyf an  Yaurs?
               Zac   Yesl You  play  the bass Rcs,e llavs
                     the  guitar, and Lewrs  o,a''s  l'e        1  Jor.r  ofte-  s hc  dte  {ot  band practrce?
                     drums,  but  I'm the  slnger anc  tre     2  V"hat musicai  instruments do Dylan, Rosie,
                                                                  and Lervrs  piay?
                     > L d t .
               Rosie  Oh, stop itl Let's  practice! We  re in  3  lVho rs  the srnger  of the band?
                     the Battle  of the Bands  next  month.    4  \{hen  is the Battle ol the Bands?
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