Page 18 - Got it! 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 18

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                  1 .12                Where was Zac
              last night?
              Dylan  Where were you last  night, Zac?
              Zac    I was at home. Why?  Was  it band
              Dylan  Yes,  it was,  and you weren't there
              Zac    Calm down, Dylan,  Ihe Amazing
                     Spider-Mon  was on TV
              Lewis  Cooll  ! iove  Splder-Mon moviesl
              Dylan  Who cares about  Sprder
                                         -Mon  mcvres?
                     We were  there  for oa'ri pract  cc. Zac
                     and you weren'tl                        F rn d he se  wo rd s  a nd  chec k he i r  mea ning.
              Zac    Practice is for  you guys,  Dylan.  i'm  Calnr do,"nrn   Who cares about
                     already  a star.
              Dylan  We're  a band,  Zac. There aren't any
                                                                                 Complete the
              Rosie  Look,  guys!  The Misfitz  are  over
                                                               sentences  with  Dylan, Zac,  Rosie, Lewis,
                     there They  r"      the Banle of
                                  ".1gring                     or  Kelly.
                     the Bands, too.
              Zac    Who's the girl  with the brown  hair?               isn't happy  with Zac
              Rosie  Her name's  Kelly. She s the  keyboard     1  --    sometimes  doesn't  go to band
                     player in The Misfitz.                       practice.
              Lewis  She's a brilliant  player,  but their     2  -      thinks  he's a star.           r
                     singer's  terrible,               ":       3  -     sees The Misfitz,              J
              Zac    Their inger'serrible ..  hmm ..           4  -       is the keyboard  player  in  The Misfitz.  i
                     interesting.                               5  -     says Kelly is  a brilliant  player
                                  trr  I  r,  -i  :rri:i4-.*--q4.'4!c'ril!ltriln-:.,:a.  !t1F.a3ii1-:sTii:*itjrg9n+!::,.q+:--+--'6leiitry:::ig-s,l'r,"-o.'-9+.g.+"ffl
         1B   eighteen
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