Page 16 - Got it! 2nd Edition (demo)
P. 16
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Abbie Oraper (17) l* at tbe Austin City You can play beach volleyball,
Limits Music Fe*tival in Texas, tler tool
parents work there every Year, and My parents help organize the
this year rfieb working, tso. $be\ festival. on't see them very
telltng us about the testival. much because they are always
"lt's a beautiful warm evening in 0ctober, and busy. But that's 0K. l'm very luckY
I'm having lantastic time with 75,000 other because l come here every ysar.
people. I'm watching Florence the Machine And his year is different because I'm
0n one of eight stages, and they are fantastic. working here for the first time. My iob is
Fveryone singing nd dancing, and enioyi*g to hefp in the ehildren's zone, Austin Kiddie
are art and music activities,
But where are we? The Austin
the atmosphere. Limits.There
City Limits Music Festival of course! and a lot of games. So while the adults
are enjoying the music, the children
The festival is now very popular in the U.S. lt
happens for three days in September October are having a fantastic time, too!
cvery year in the Zilker Park near Austin, Texas. l'm watching the fans and I can
People travel from a lot of different places t0 see a loi of happy people. There
come here. A lot ol famous singers and bands is always tantastic music ai thc
play at the festival. But they aren't the only ACL. Tomorrow, one of my favorite
attraction. There are a lot of sther activities musicians is on stage: Jack White.
including a place to watch NFL football games! I'm so excitsdlAnd lcan meet him
afterwards with my dad!ACl rocks!"
The U.S. has some big
music festivals and
they are very popular.
These estivals have a
lot of stages and visitors
can see many different
' . ' : .
musicians. ome of these . . " . i i l t - ; $ ; ;
. i ' ' l
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a . +
festivals lso have art,
L i4;i; i,1,+;tz:i i"tt:i*"ii::tli,-z:,; he article. Then answer the questions.
to t
movies, theater, dance,
and literature. There is a How many stages are there?
lot of culture, and a lot T\ere are eighL ;lage>,
of fun for visitors to the 1 How many days does the festival last?
2 When and where is the Austin City Limits Festival?
3 What attractions are there for visitors?
4 Why does Abbie go to the festival every year?
Find these words and 5 What is she doing there this Year?
check their meaning. 6 Who is Abbie excited about meeting?
7 What do you think of the Austin City Limits Festival? Are there similar festivals in
stage busy
your countrY?
a lot of zone