Page 17 - Touchstone 2nd Ed (demo)
P. 17
All about you
fl Strategy plus Everyday expressions
Some everyday expressions are more formal.
More formal Less formal
Yes. Yeah.
Thank you. Thanks.
Hello. Hi.
How are you? How are you doing?
I'm fine. OK. I Pretty good. I Good.
Good-bye. Bye. I See you. I See you later.
Yeah is 10 times more common than yes.
•••••• Yeah.
• Yes.
you Complete these conversations with expressions from the box above. Then practice with a partner.
1. Formal conversation 2. less formal conversation
Jeff Hello , Mrs. Swan. 7 Kathy Hi, Mike, ____ ?
Mrs. Swan , thank you. Uh, Jeff, Mike ____ . How about you?
are you here for English 3? Kathy ____ . Are you here for a class?
Jeff • I am. Mike ____ , I am. I'm here for yoga.
Mrs. Swan Then you're in Room B. I'm the teacher How about you?
for English 2. Kathy Oh, I'm here for a music class.
Jeff Oh, . Well, have a nice day. Mike Nice. Well, enjoy your class!
Mrs. Swan . You too. Enjoy your Kathy . You too.
class! ___ _ Mike OK. ___ _
Q Strategies In the park
About k look at the picture. Choose an activity in the park. Role-play a conversation.
you Pair wor
A Hi, how are you?
B Good, thanks. How about you?
A Pretty good. Are you here for
the movie?
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