Page 16 - Touchstone 2nd Ed (demo)
P. 16

Lesson D           Conver ation Are you here for the concert?

             a Conversation strategy  How about you?

                   A  Look at the photo. Adam and Alicia are strangers. Guess three things they say.
      ff>�'         B  ._>)) 1.15  Listen. Who's on vacation? Who's a student? Who's here for the concert?


                                                                                 Alicia  Hi. How are you doing?
                                                                                 Adam  Pretty good.  How about you?
                                                                                 Alicia  Good, thanks.  It's a beautiful
                                                                                 Adam  Yeah, it is. Are you here for
                                                                                         the concert?
                                                                                 Alicia  Yes. How about you?
                                                                                 Adam  Well, yeah, but I'm a student
                                                                                         here, too. So are you on
                                                                                 Alicia  Yes, I am.  By the way,  I'm
                                                                                 Adam  I'm Adam.  Nice to meet you.
                                                                                         Well, have a nice day.
                                                                                 Alicia  Thanks. You too.

                       Notice how Adam and Alicia say Howaboutyou?to
                       ask the same questions.

                   D  Complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner.
                   1. A  Hello. Are you here for the festival?         4. A  It's a beautiful day. Are you on vacation?

                      B  Yeah,  I am.                             7       B  Yes, I am.                             7
                      A  Yeah.  Me too.                                   A  No.  I'm a student here.

                   2. A  Hi. How are you doing?                        5. A  I'm here on business. How about you?
                      B  Good, thanks.  How about you?                    B  No.

                      A                                                   A  Nice. Well, have a great vacation.

                   3. A  Are you a student?
                      B  No,  I'm a teacher.
                      A  I'm a teacher, too.

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