Page 11 - Complete IELTS 4_WB Demo (Cambridge)
P. 11

f) Now look at the chart about where tourists stay at  Spelling
               a holiday destination. Put the sentences below in
               the correct order to make a summary.               Making nouns plural
                         34%                                      0 Write the singular and plural forms of the words
                                                                     from the box in the table.
            ....                                                     boss     bey      foot    man      match
                 22%             24%                                 party     potato     visitor    wife
                                                                     Rule             Singular         Plural

            ..                           9%      8%      3%           I Adds           .brr�           };,q�_$.
            Cl)            (f)  -                      I       I     2 Add es
                 � - -
                 re   (f)   a:i   (f)   (f)   ]]   -      -          3 Change one
                 .s  0    ..c:   (.'.  0   ..c:   ·;;;    ..c:         or more of the
                 - ..c:
                 ro       re       ..c:   ..c:    u                    letters
                 §        ....            :8                         4 Change the
                                                                       last letter to i
                   Where tourists stay at Casuarina Beach              and add es
               A  24 percent of tourists stay in these ...... =7     5 Remove the
                                                                       last two letters
               B  The youth hostel and the campsite                    and add ves
                  accommodate nine percent and eight percent of   f) These sentences contain a singular word that
                  tourists ..                                        should be plural. Each word follows one of the
               C  Overall, more visitors stay in hotels than in      rules in the table above. Underline the word, then
                  any other kind of accommodation ..                 write the plural form at the end of each sentence.
               D  The largest percentage, 34 percent, stay in the    1  There are three really good beach a few miles
                  town's local hotels.                                 from my home .. b.��.cJ;,t..S.
               E  The chart gives information about the different    2  Many people grow their own peas, beans and
                  types of accommodation that tourists stay in         tomato ..
                  when they visit Casuarina Beach. . ... L           3  Everyone knows that sugar is bad for your tooth.
               F  International hotels are also popular, with 22
                 percent of tourists choosing to stay in one.        4  There are more woman in the government now
                                                                       than there used to be.
               G  A further three percent stay in other types of     5  He told us some really funny story about the
                  accommodation ..                                     time he worked on a farm ..
               H  Guest houses are the next most popular type        6  I'm staying with my brother for a few day.
                  of accommodation ....................... .
                                                                     7  In my country, it is illegal to carry knife in the
                                                                       street. .
                                                                     8  Bus into town run every 30 minutes during the
                                                                       day  .
                                                                     9  There are several good hotel in my town.

                                                                    10  My cat is always bringing dead mouse into my
                                                                       flat.                      Great places to be @

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