Page 6 - Complete IELTS 4_SB (Cambridge)
P. 6

Unit title        I Reading                  I Listening                  I Speaking
                •  .   •   .   •   •   t .   Reading 1:  The world's friendliest city   Listening: Booking a holiday apartment   Speaking Part 1
                               •  Table completion       •  Form completion             Answering questions about yourself
                               Reading 2:  The happiest country in                      Giving extra details
                               the world                                                Expressing likes and dislikes
                               •  Note completion
            2  People's lives   Reading 1: Freya Stark. explorer and   Listening: Finding a travelling companion   Speaking Part 1
                               writer                      Predicting the answers       Correcting mistakes
                               •  Flow-chart completion    Listening for signals to the answers   Giving reasons, results or
                               •  Short-answer questions   Note completion              consequences with because and so
    ...                        •  True/ False / Not Given   Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 2
                               Reading 2: Mau Piailug, ocean navigator
    ■-      3  Getting from A to B   Reading 1:  The electric revolution   Listening: A ship's information   Speaking Part 2
                                                                                        Understanding the task
                               •  Labelling a diagram
                                                                                        Structuring the talk
                                                           Labelling a diagram
                               Reading 2:  Traffic jams -no end in sight
                                                                                        Introducing points
                                                           Multiple choice
                               •  Matching headings
                                                                                        Ending the talk
                                                           Listening for synonyms and paraphrased
    ...     4  It was all new once   Reading 1: Air conditioning   Listening: At an exhibition   Speaking Part 2
                                                           ideas in questions
                                                                                        Using discourse markers
    .c                         •  Multiple choice        •  Pick from a list            Writing notes
                                                           Sentence completion
                                                                                        Giving reasons, examples and
                               •  Summary completion
    't■-                       Reading 2: Rubik's Cube                                  consequences with because, so, for
                                                                                        example, for instance
                                                                                        Talking for the full two minutes
                                                 Vocabulary and grammar review Units 3 and 4
     Q.     5  Animal world    Reading 1:  The life of the European   Listening: Information about a zoo   Speaking Parts 1 and 2
                                                           Table completion
    :E                         •  Sentence completion    •  Labelling a map or plan     Expressing feelings
                                                                                        Coping strategies
                               Reading 2: Humpback wi]_ale breaks
                               migration record
                               •  Pick from a list
            6  Being human     Reading 1 • Making a change   Listening: Successful people   Speaking Part 3
                               •  Yes / No/ Not Given      Matching                     The difference between Part 1 and
                               Reading 2: Reducing errors in memory   •  Pick from a list  Part 3
                               •  Summary completion with a box                         Generalising
                                                                                        Giving a full answer
                                                 Vocabulary and grammar review Units 5 and 6
            7  Literacy skills   Reading: Speed reading   Listening: Applying for an online course   Speaking Parts 2 and 3
                                Matching information       Form completion              Orientating yourself to the Part 2 topic
                               •  Table completion       •  Multiple choice              Introducing your opinions in Part 3 and
                                                                                        giving reasons
            8  Tourist attractions   Reading: Here today, gone tomorrow   Listening: Welcoming visitors to a science   Speaking Parts 1 and 2
                                Summary completion       museum                         Using fact and opinion adjectives
                               •  Matching features        Sentence completion         •  Keeping going / maintaining fluency
                                                         •  Table completion
                                                 Vocabulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8
            9  Every drop counts   Reading:  The burden of thirst   Listening: Preparation for a talk on   Speaking Parts 2 and 3
                                Matching headings        desalination                   Choosing the best subject for Part 2
                                Sentence completion        Matching                     Structuring the talk - useful phrases
                                Pick from a list         •  Flow-chart completion       Analysing the Part 3 questions
                                                                                        Giving a relevant, full answer

           10  Building design   Reading:  The Pompidou Centre   Listening: A talk on a traditional Samoan   Speaking Parts 2 and 3
                                Multiple choice          house design                   Part 2 practice
                                Matching sentence endings   •  Note completion          Answering a question on your talk
                                Yes/ No / Not Given                                     Discussing similarities and differences
                                                                                        in Part 3
                                                                                        Using linkers to make a contrast:
                                                                                        although, even though, while, whereas

                                                 Vocabulary and grammar review Units 9 and 70
        0 Map of the units
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