Page 18 - Complete IELTS 4_SB (Cambridge)
P. 18
@ Work alone. Look at this bar chart and complete
the summary below by writing your own words
in the gaps. When you finish, compare your ideas
with your partner's.
International visitors to New Zealand:
reason for visit
0 Now work alone and write a summary of the
information in the chart in Exercise 8.
The chart shows I When you write:
The most popular activity is walking, which • include all the information you used to answer
2 ... of people on holiday do. Seventy-five the questions in Exercise 8;
percent of visitors 3 ................. and 4 .. . ...... go • use language from the summaries in Exercises
to see volcanoes. Another popular activity is 2, 4 and 7 to help you.
boating, which S ................. of holidaymakers do.
Just over 6 .... of visitors also like 7 Exam advice Chart summary
Overall, 8 . . ..... enjoy doing outdoor activities • Study the chart(s) carefully and look for the
more than indoor activities. most important features.
• Write an introductory sentence which says what
0 Work in pairs. Look at this chart and discuss the the chart(s) show(s).
questions below. • Make sure the facts you write are correct.
International visitors to New Zealand:
transport used during visit
80%- Spelling
70% Making nouns plural
50% 0 IELTS candidates often make spelling mistakes
40% when writing nouns in the plural. Write the
20% plural form of these words. Then check your
answers by reading the Language reference
0% (page 120).
1 visitor visitors S man
1 What does the chart provide information about? 2 boss 6 match
2 What is the commonest means of transport? What 3 boy 7 party
percentage of visitors use it? 4 foot 8 wife
3 Which two means of transport are use-d almost
the same amount? What percentage of visitors 0 page 120 Spelling changes when we make nouns plural
use them?
4 What is the fourth most popular means of f) Write the plural form of each of these words.
• transport? What percentage of visitors use it? 1 person p p 6 family
e.o fe.
5 Which means of transport is used least? What 2 child 7 watch
percentage of visitors use it? 3 country 8 potato
6 Overall, which is more popular: private 4 city 9 activity
transport or public transport? 5 life 10 crash
@ Unit 1