Page 13 - Complete IELTS 4_SB (Cambridge)
P. 13

Reading 2

      Note completion
      0 Work in small groups. You are going to
         read a passage about Costa Rica. Before
         you read, look at the photos of Costa Rica
         on the right. What do they tell you about
         the country?
      @ Read the passage below quickly.  Who are:

         I Mariano Rojas?       2 Saamah Abdallah?

         The happiest country                                @) Look at the notes below.

          in the world                                          I  What are the notes about? Find which sentences
                                                                   in the passage deal with this.
                                                                2  Find words in the passage which mean the same
          Children growing up in Costa Rica are surrounded
          by some of the most beautiful and diverse                as the words in italics.
          landscapes in the world. Preserving tropical
          rainforests isn't Costa Rica's only success, because   The  Happy  Planet  Index
          the government also makes sure everyone has            Year started:  1  ......
          access to health-care and education. So when           Number of countries it lists: 2 .
          the New Economics Foundation released its second       Measures each country's happiness according to:
          Happy Planet Index, Costa Rica came out number         • its  effect on the 3 ................. (i.e. the quantity of
          one. The index is a ranking of countries based on        the Earth's 4 ...   . ... that it uses);
          their impact on the environment and the health and     •  the 5 ................ of the population (i.e. how long
          happiness of their citizens.                             people live);
                                                                 •  how happy its 6 ........... ..... are.
          According to Mariano Rojas, a Costa Rican
          economics professor, Costa Rica is a mid-income
          country where citizens have plenty of time for     0 Now complete the notes. Choose ONE WORD OR i
          themselves and for their relationships with others.   NUMBER from the passage for each gap.
          'A mid-income level allows most citizens to satisfy    Exam advice        Note completion
          their basic needs. The government makes sure that
          all Costa Ricans have access to education, health      •  Read the title of the notes first and find the right
          and nutrition services.' Costa Ricans, he believes,       place(s) in the passage.
          are not interested in status or spending money to      •  CarefullY, read the parts of the passage which
          show how successful they are.                             deal with the key ideas in the questions - the
                                                                    answers may not come in passage order.
          Created in 2008, the Happy Planet Index examines
          happiness on a national level and ranks 143        0 Work in small groups.
          countries according to three measurements: their      I  Which of these things do you think are
          citizens' happiness, how long they live (which           important in making people happy, and
          reflects their health), and how much of the planet's     which are not so important? Why?
          resources each country consumes. According               • being healthy
          to researcher Saamah Abdallah, the Index also            • earning a lot of money
          measures the outcomes that are most important,           • having a good education
          and those are happy, healthy lives for everyone.         • having good relationships
                                                                   • living in a beautiful place
                               adapted from Yes! Magazine
                                                                2  What other things are important?

                                                                                               Great places to be  (
   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18