Page 7 - Academy Stars 3_PB
P. 7

Lesson 1              Meet the Academy Stars

   2  Look at the picture. Write the names.

        1  Who's wearing  ...

           a  a yellow T-shirt?              Ella               c  green trousers? ______ _

            b  a blue  ski rt?                                  d  a red T-shirt?    -------

        2  Who's holding ...

           a  a robot?                                          c  a book?    -------

           b  a football?                                       d  a bag? _____ _

   3  .i 1) 1.2  Listen and match the information to the Academy Stars.

                        Age         Class          Favourite  Favourite  Favourite  Favourite

                                                     colour          food           sport          animal
                                                                                                 fi' .
                                                                                                    .  .
                          5            3                                                             V   '.J

             ..           8            6



                          8            3


                         11     kindergarten

   4              Ask and answer the  uestions
        in Activity 3 with a friend.  Be a .star!

                                                                               Welcome  Describe people
                                                                                             WB: page 4
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12