Page 5 - Academy Stars 3_PB
P. 5

Aslory: sequence events         Listen for specific  Say a chant   A story: write a   Let's choose an   long e
    What to do when you don't understand   words                    dialogue using    ofter-school club 1   eeor ea/i:/
    oword                                                           speech marks

    A blog: infer feelings         Sequence events  Give o          A blog post: use   Let's do a survey!   long o
    How to learn new words                         presentation     capital letters and               oaor ow

    A  story: scan and categorise   Follow         Provide          A story: plan and   Are you a good   long u
    Use a dictionary to find meaning   sequenced   sequenced        write a story using a  detective?   ooor ue/u/
                                   information     information      Mind Map ™

    An informational website: contrast   Listen for specific  Give suggestions   A safari website:   Planning a North   alor ea/ea/
    two texts                      information     and make a plan   make paragraphs in  Pole adventure
    Use a dictionary to find spelling                               a website text

    Poetry: recognise features and interpret  Listen for specific   Ask and answer   A poem: write   Fact or opinion?   alor ay/er/
    meaning                        information     questions about   rhyming poetry
    Notice rhyme in a poem                         family
    An informative text: identify facts   Sequence events  Act out a story   An informative text:   Write an animal   aror a/a:/
    Adjectives                                                      write a text from   puzzle

    A traditional story: analyse for inference  Listen to a   Act out a story   A story: write a   A different point   yor lgh /a1/
    Adverbs                         traditional story               summary           of view

    A factual text: use labels in a text to aid  Analyse   Describe   A description: use   Are you a good   oyor of /oil
    comprehension                  information     a picture        topic sentences   archaeologist?

    Emails: compare and contrast   Compare         Act out a roleplay   An email: use   Crack the secret   ouor ow /au/
    information                    and contrast                     connectors of     code 1
    Self-reflection                 information                     addition

    A magazine article: identify and infer   Listen for specific  Discuss a topic   A letter: use   Let's make and   lror ur/3:/
    information                    information                      connectors of     play a game!
    Ha.v to learn outside the classroom                             sequence
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